“It appears to me that whatever time you bestow upon the classics is little better than time lost. Classical attainments are not necessary for you, and even if you were ten years younger than you are, they would not be within your reach. This you yourself feel; you had better therefore make up your mind to be contented without them, and desist from a study which it is quite impossible for you to pursue with any advantage to yourself.
“My dear Neville, it is a common infirmity with us to over-value what we
do not happen to possess. In your education you have learnt much which is not
acquired in schools and colleges, but which is of great practical utility,—more
probably than you would now
Ætat. 46. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 57 |
“The time which classical studies would take may be much more profitably employed upon history and books of travels. The better you are read in both, the more you will prize the peculiar blessings which this country enjoys in its constitution of Church and State, and more especially in the former branch. I could write largely upon this theme. The greater part of the evil in the world,—that is, all the evil in it which is remediable (and which I take to be at least nine-tenths of the whole)—arises either from the want of institutions, as among savages; from imperfect ones, as among barbarians; or from bad ones, as in point of government among the oriental nations; and in point of religion among them also, and in the intolerant Catholic countries. In your own language you will find all you need,—scriptural illustrations, and stores of knowledge of every kind.
“What you say concerning my correspondence, and the
latitude which you allow me is both kind and
“You will be grieved to hear that I have lost my poor friend Nash, whom you saw with us in the autumn. He left us at the beginning of November, and is now in his grave! This has been a severe shock to me. I had a most sincere regard for him, and very many pleasant recollections are now so changed by his death, that they will never recur without pain. He was so thoroughly amiable, so sensible of any little kindness that was shown him, so kind in all his thoughts, words, and deeds; and withal bore his cross so patiently and meekly, that every body who knew him respected him and loved him. Very few circumstances could have affected me more deeply than his loss.
“Remember me most kindly to your excellent mother, and to your sisters. You are happy in having had your parents spared to you so long. The moral influences of a good old age upon the hearts of youth and manhood cannot be appreciated too highly. We are all well at present, thank God.
“God bless you, my dear Neville!