“. . . . . Your scheme for putting an end to previous imprisonment for all minor offences, has always seemed to me one of the most practicable and useful suggestions that has ever been offered for preventing much evil and saving much expense. And I cannot but hope it will be carried into effect, in the way of which good it will at least be put by bringing it again forward.
“Wordsworth, in his capacity of Stamp Distributor, received a circular lately requiring him to employ persons to purchase soda powders when sold without a stamp, and then lay an information against the vendors. It seems as if they were resolved so to reduce the emolument in the public services, and connect such services with them, that no one with the habits and feelings of a gentleman shall enter or continue in it.
“Mr. N. breakfasted with me, and
we talked of you and Mr. Telford. He
maintained what seemed to me a most untenable assertion, that pau-
Ætat. 53. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 313 |
“In looking through the statutes of Henry VII., I have found that an abatement or allowance as it is called of ‘6000l. in every fifteenth and tenth (i. e. upon the two) was made in relief, comfort, and discharge of the poor towns, cities, and burghs in the realm, wasted, desolate, and destroyed, or over greatly impoverished, or else to such fifteenth or tenth over greatly charged.’ This allowance to be divided according to former example. I will hunt this subject back, and endeavour to ascertain whether a deduction was made from the impost on the money distributed in relief.
“The statutes I clearly see have not yet been read as
you have taught me to read. Though I have only examined this reign, several
curious inferences have appeared which I believe others have neglected to make.
I find a disposition in the older laws to keep the lower classes in castes,
making the child follow his father’s calling, and a law allowing no one
to be apprenticed in any town, unless the parents had lands or rent to the
amount of 20l. a-year. The laws opposed the strong
desire of bettering their condition which the labouring people manifested, and
the only liberty allowed was of breeding their children to learning. Henry VII. repealed the restrictions upon
apprenticeship, upon the petition of the Norwich
“I learn, too, that the cross-bow would have superseded the bow and arrow, even if fire-arms had not been introduced, and that there was a great anxiety to keep that weapon from the people. The higher orders had an obvious interest in continuing the use of those weapons which were least effective against armour; and the cross-bow, like the musket, was a leveller a weak hand could discharge, it required as little practice as a gun, and generally went with surer aim than the arrow, perhaps with greater force.
“H. T. tells me that Huskisson’s health can never stand the fatigue of his Parliamentary business. Do not you overwork yourself, however much it may be the taste of Ministers and post horses to be so sacrificed. God bless you!