“Illness and other circumstances over which I have seemed to have no power, have ever since my return to Norwich prevented my writing to thee, though I can say with truth that I have thought of thee every day, and pondered often over thy letter with grateful and increasing interest.
“It reached me at Paris. I did not for a moment think of answering it then, because I was wholly unacquainted with the societies to which it alludes, and could not obtain the necessary information. But on my return to England I found Elizabeth Fry deep in thy book, and believing that she had already made a few steps at least in the career to which thou hast pointed in thy eloquent address to me.
“I did not agree with her as to the expediency of the
delay, but consented to accompany her on a visit to Dr. Gooch, the result of which he has probably communicated to
thee. He gave us ample information relative to the Co-operative societies, and
last night the friend with whom I am staying read aloud an excellent article on that subject
in the Quarterly, and I greatly
admire many of the plans on which
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“En attendant, let me know more of thy views in relation to Elizabeth Fry and myself. Thy letter was truly gratifying to me, but humbling also, as it led me to look into myself and feel how little worthy I am of such an appeal, and how little able to answer it as it ought to be answered.
“I left Paris (where I staid four months and a fortnight at the house of a near and dear relation) with a heart full of love and gratitude towards every person there, but also filled with pity, strong disapprobation, and alarm. Still, when I consider the efforts making by many pious and good persons to spread the knowledge of the truth as it is in Christ Jesus amongst them, I can answer the question, ‘Can these bones live!’ not only ‘Thou knowest,’ but that I think they will. Farewell!
“I am thy grateful and affectionate friend,