“. . . . . I went abroad for the first time, at an earlier age, under circumstances not very dissimilar; for a shorter absence, but with much worse prospects. My disposition, however, was always hopeful; relying upon Providence, I could rely upon myself; and I can truly say that no anxiety concerning my worldly fortunes ever cost me a sleepless night, or an uncomfortable hour. When I had little I lived upon little, never spending when it was necessary to spare; and hitherto, by God’s blessing, my means have grown with my expenses.
“My voyage was to Portugal, and you know how much it has influenced the direction of my studies. My uncle advised me at that time to turn my thoughts towards the history of that country, when he saw how eagerly I was inquiring into its literature, and more especially its poetry. Then my mind was not ripe enough for historical pursuits; but the advice was not without effect; and when I went again to Portugal, after an absence of four years, I began to look for materials, and set to work.
“I am glad that Burton recommended the ecclesiastical history of Denmark and
Sweden to your attention. It is an interesting subject, and if you only
sketched it in a paper for the Quarterly or the
Ætat. 56. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 99 |
“As for composition, it has no difficulties for one who will ‘read, learn, mark, and inwardly digest’ the materials upon which he is to work. I do not mean to say that it is easy to write well; but of this I am sure, that most men would write much better if they did not take half the pains they do. For myself, I consider it no compliment when any one praises the simplicity of my prose writings; they are written, indeed, without any other immediate object than that of expressing what is to be said in the readiest and most perspicuous manner. But in the transcript (if I make one), and always in the proof sheet, every sentence is then weighed upon the ear, euphony becomes a second object, and ambiguities are removed. But of what is called style not a thought enters my head at any time. Look to the matter, and the manner takes care of itself. . . . .