“The letter which your lordship did me the honour of
addressing to me at this place, found me at Crediton, in the middle of last
month, on a circuitous course homeward. It was not likely that deliberation
would lead me to alter the notions which I have long entertained upon the
subject that has, in this most unexpected manner, been brought before me; but I
should have deemed it disrespectful to have answered such a communication
without allowing some days to intervene. The distance between Devonshire and
Cumberland, a visit upon the way to my native city which I had not seen for
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“Your first question is, whether Letters would gain by the more avowed and active encouragement of the Government?
“There are literary works of national importance which can only be performed by co-operative labour, and will never be undertaken by that spirit of trade which at present preponderates in literature. The formation of an English Etymological Dictionary is one of those works; others might be mentioned; and in this way literature might gain much by receiving national encouragement; but Government would gain a great deal more by bestowing it. Revolutionary governments understand this; I should be glad if I could believe that our legitimate one would learn it before it is too late. I am addressing one who is a statesman as well as a man of letters, and who is well aware that the time is come in which governments can no more stand without pens to support them than without bayonets. They must soon know, if they do not already know it, that the volunteers as well as the mercenaries of both professions, who are not already enlisted in this service, will enlist themselves against it; and I am afraid they have a better hold upon the soldier than upon the penman; because the former has, in the spirit of his profession and in the sense of military honour, something which not unfrequently supplies the want of any higher principle; and I know not that any substitute is to be found among the gentlemen of the press.
“But neediness, my Lord, makes men dangerous members of society, quite as often as affluence makes them worthless ones. I am of opinion that many persons who become bad subjects because they are necessitous, because ‘the world is not their friend, nor the world’s law,’ might be kept virtuous (or, at least, withheld from mischief) by being made happy, by early encouragement, by holding out to them a reasonable hope of obtaining, in good time, an honourable station and a competent income, as the reward of literary pursuits, when followed with ability and diligence, and recommended by good conduct.
“My Lord, you are now on the Conservative side. Minor
differences of opinion are infinitely insignificant at this time, when in truth
there are but two parties in this kingdom—the Revolutionists and the
Loyalists; those who would destroy the constitution and those who would defend
it. I can have no predilections for the present administration; they have
raised the devil, who is now raging through the land: but, in their present
position, it is their business to lay him if they can; and so far as their
measures may be directed to that end, I heartily say, God speed them! If
schemes like yours, for the encouragement of letters, have never entered into
their wishes, there can be no place for them at present in their intentions.
Government can have no leisure now for attending to any thing but its own and
our preservation; and the time seems not far distant when the cares of war and
expenditure will come upon it once more with their all-engrossing importance.
But when better times shall arrive (whoever may live to see them), it will be
worthy the consideration of any
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“The good proposed by this, as a political measure, is not that of retaining such persons to act as pamphleteers and journalists, but that of preventing them from becoming such, in hostility to the established order of things; and of giving men of letters, as a class, something to look for beyond the precarious gains of literature; thereby inducing in them a desire to support the existing institutions of their country, on the stability of which their own welfare would depend.
“Your Lordship’s second question,—in what
way the encouragement of Government could most safely and beneficially be
given,—is, in the main, answered by what has been said upon the first. I
do not enter into any details of the proposed institution, for that would be to
think of fitting up a castle in the air. Nor is it worth while to examine how
far such an institution might be perverted. Abuses there would
“With regard to prizes, methinks they are better left to schools and colleges. Honours are worth something to scientific men, because they are conferred upon such men in other countries; at home there are precedents for them in Newton and Davy, and the physicians and surgeons have them. In my judgment, men of letters are better without them, unless they are rich enough to bequeath to their family a good estate with the bloody hand, and sufficiently men of the world to think such distinctions appropriate. For myself, if we had a Guelphic order, I should choose to remain a Ghibelline.
“I have written thus fully and frankly, not dreaming that your proposal is likely to be matured and carried into effect, but in the spirit of good will, and as addressing one by whom there is no danger that I can be misunderstood. One thing alone I ask from the legislature, and in the name of justice,—that the injurious law of copyright should be repealed, and that the family of an author should not be deprived of their just and natural rights in his works when his permanent reputation is established. This I ask with the earnestness of a man who is conscious that he has laboured for posterity.