Samuel Rogers and his Contemporaries
William Wordsworth to Samuel Rogers, 16 June [1830]
‘Wednesday, 16th June [1830].
‘Being sure, my dear Rogers, that you take a cordial interest in anything important
to me or my family, I cannot forbear letting you know that my eldest son is soon to quit that state of
single blessedness to which you have so faithfully adhered. This event has come
upon ![]()
us all by surprise; when I wrote a short time ago I
had not the least suspicion of an engagement, or even an attachment in any
quarter. I expressed to you some years since my regret at my son’s being
disappointed of a fellowship, to which he had very good pretensions till we
discovered that his place of birth excluded him from being a candidate, and you
then said, I remember, “It is lucky for him, he will have less temptation
to build upon the life of a bachelor, and will be far happier.” May your
prophecy be fulfilled! I trust it will, for I have seen the young lady, am highly pleased with her
appearance and deportment, and in a pecuniary point of view the alliance is
unexceptionable. Their income, through the liberality of the father, who highly
approves of the match, is, for the present, quite sufficient, for I trust their
good sense will prevent them from giving an instance of the French phrase, C’est un vrai gouffre que le ménage.
‘In somewhat of a casual way I recommended in my last
my son to your thoughts, if any opportunity should occur in the wide sphere of
your acquaintance of speaking a good word in his behalf. Had I known this
delicate affair was pending, I should at that time have probably been silent
upon the subject of his professional interests. It cannot, however, be amiss
for anyone to have as many friends as possible, and I need not conceal from you
that my satisfaction would, upon this occasion, have been more unmingled had my
son had more to offer on his part. I shall merely add that if, through his
future life, you could serve him upon any occasion I should be thankful. I
regret that I am not at liberty at present ![]()
to mention the name of the lady to more
than one individual out of my own family.
‘Do you know Mrs.
Hemans? She is to be here to-day if winds and waves, though
steamboats care little for them, did not yesterday retard her passage from
Liverpool. I wish you were here (perhaps you may not) to assist us in
entertaining her, for my daughter’s indisposition and other matters occupy our
thoughts, and literary ladies are apt to require a good deal of attention. Pray
give our kind regards to your brother
and sister. We hope that you all
continue to have good health. Do let me hear from you, however briefly, and
believe me,
‘My dear Rogers, faithfully yours,
Felicia Dorothea Hemans [née Browne] (1793-1835)
English poet; author of
Tales, and Historic Scenes (1819),
Records of Woman (1828), and other volumes. She was much in demand
as a contributor to the literary annuals.
Dora Quillinan [née Wordsworth] (1804-1847)
The daughter of William Wordsworth who in 1841 married the poet Edward Quillinan despite
her father's concerns about his debts.
Henry Rogers (1774-1832)
Son of Thomas Rogers (1735-93) and youngest brother of the poet Thomas Rogers; he was the
head of the family bank, Rogers, Towgood, and Co. until 1824, and a friend of Charles
Samuel Rogers (1763-1855)
English poet, banker, and aesthete, author of the ever-popular
Pleasures of Memory (1792),
Columbus (1810),
Jaqueline (1814), and
Italy (1822-28).
Isabella Wordsworth [née Curwen] (1806-1848)
The daughter of Henry Christian Curwen of Workington Hall, Cumberland; in 1830 she
married John Wordsworth, eldest son of the poet.
John Wordsworth (1803-1875)
The son of William Wordsworth, educated at New College, Oxford; he was the rector at
rector of Moresby, near Whitehaven (1828), Brigham (1832-75) and Plumblands (1840-75) in
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
With Coleridge, author of
Lyrical Ballads (1798), Wordsworth
survived his early unpopularity to succeed Robert Southey as poet laureate in 1843.