‘Dear Rogers,—Of all dilatory correspondents you certainly are the
most so; and if you were also the dullest, the two qualities would be well
suited to each other: as that is not exactly the case, you are the most
tantalising. Here was I week after week in constant hope and expectation; a
month passed, and then another fortnight, and at last the letter did come
within the two months. I well know how constantly your time is occupied at home
with a succession of visitors of every description, with all sorts of talents,
whom you have the enviable art of collecting about you; and I allow a great
deal for it: but I sometimes think you indulge yourself in delay, as it gives
you an opportunity of making a number of the lightest, best turned excuses
possible, and so prettily diversified, that your correspondent, though he may
not give full credit to them all, is so amused that he cannot be angry; other
parts of your letter, where my friends and acquaintance pass in review before
me, are well calculated to disarm anger; but there is one small part which, if
you perform what it seems to promise, will make ample compensation for your sin
of delay, were it ten times as great; and if you are dying to see my new walk,
I am dying to have you here and to show it you with other novelties. This new
walk, you must know, Lady Sarah took a
fancy to; it was made for her, and if you come, who knows whether she may not
show it you herself? Come therefore, even for the chance, if you have a spark
of gallantry about you;
‘I will not say “Nil mihi rescribas,” for I delight in your letters, and you are a man to take me at my word; but I do most strongly and earnestly say “ipse veni.”