‘My dear Mr. Rogers,—Your name is cherished with tender regard in this new Western World, and every passing notice in the public papers of him who enriched our common language and the treasury of poesy with “The Pleasures of Memory” and “Italy,” appreciated as it should be.
‘For myself, being able to add the memory of the countenance and the voice to these associations, I am often wishing for some more definite notices of your welfare than thus reach us fortuitously over the waves, “few and far between.”
‘Moved by the solicitation of friends visiting the
Mother Land, I have sometimes given letters of introduction to yourself, which
I should be happy to hear may
‘Should I again cross the ocean, it will be, I hope, to find you in health; and trusting ere long to be assured by yourself that it still continues comfortable, and that the blessing of God rests ever on your venerable and endeared head,