‘My dear Friend,—Yesterday I received your most
valuable present of three copies of your beautiful book, which I assure you will be nowhere
more prized than in this house. My sister was affected even to the shedding of tears by this token
of your remembrance. When a person has been shut up for upwards of twelve
‘Of the execution of the plates, as compared with the former vol., and the merit of the designs, we have not yet had time to judge. But I cannot forbear adding that, as several of the poems are among my oldest and dearest acquaintance in the literature of our day, such an elegant edition of them, with their illustrations, must to me be peculiarly acceptable. As Mr. Moxon does not mention your health, I hope it is good, and your sister’s also, who, we are happy to hear, has drawn nearer to you. Pray remember us all most kindly to her, and accept yourself our united thanks and best wishes.
‘We were grieved to notice the death of the veteran Sotheby.1 Not less than fourteen of our relatives, friends, or valued acquaintance, have been removed by death within the last three or four months.’