‘My dear Mr. Rogers,—If anything would reconcile one to such a vexatious affair as that which has just befallen you, it must be the deep and unaffected interest which all your friends—that is all who are so happy as to enjoy some degree of your intimacy—take in it.
‘Everyone here speaks of it as he would if it had occurred within his own family circle.
‘It would be contrary to almost universal experience in such cases if the greater part of the money is not recovered. Lord Ashburton is confident (unless it is a thing which has long been going on in secret) that it will be recovered. If, unfortunately, it should turn out otherwise, it ought to be some consolation to you that it is the only part of your fortune which has gone for any other objects than those of benevolence, hospitality, and taste.
‘There is one treasure which thieves cannot break
through and steal from you—the affectionate veneration
‘We have all sadly missed you here. I return to town to-morrow P.M.’