‘My dear Mr. Rogers,—I took the liberty of forwarding to you by the last packet two volumes of poems recently published by my friend Mr. Longfellow. He was desirous that you should do him the favour to receive them as a token of his respect.
‘Mr. Longfellow
is now at a German watering-place, where he has gone for his health, and
expects to be in London for a day or two during the autumn on his way home. If
you should be in town at this time, which is hardly possible (for who is a
faithful friend to London at the end of September?), I hope he may have the
pleasure of seeing you—Mr. Everett
or Mr. Dickens will have the
gratification of presenting him to you. He is a gentleman whom we prize much,
not simply as a poet (though many place him at the top of our Parnassus) but
also for his various gifts and accomplishments and high moral worth. I could
write of him warmly as a friend for
‘Prescott still works on the “History of the Conquest of Mexico,” of which he has written upwards of two volumes. It will be three volumes in all.
‘Believe me, with warm recollections of your kindness to me, ever very sincerely yours,