Samuel Rogers and his Contemporaries
Lord Brougham to Samuel Rogers, [8 September 1850]
‘Brougham: Sunday [8th September, 1850].
‘My dear R.,—We all long to hear of you and how you
get on. Mrs. Meynell is here, and
desires, with Lady Malet, to be most
kindly remembered to you. She did not like to call as she passed through town,
for fear it might have troubled you; but I told her you would have been most
happy to see her. Lady M. did call, but was not let in. We
are all curious to know if it is really true that Luttrell is married. Pray satisfy our curiosity.
‘Lady W. Russell
and her sons are here, and very agreeable they are. I have seen nothing of the
Hollands, and learn that they are gone to Paris.
‘Metternich writes
me his opinion of France, which ![]()
agrees quite with my own, that the entire want of provident views in that
people makes it impossible to foresee what may any day happen to them, but that
meanwhile Louis Napoleon’s strength
consists in possession being more to be trusted than expectation—or, as
we say, holdfast being a better dog than brag.
‘I shall send you my letter to Denman on Law Amendment the moment it is out.
‘Believe me, sincerely yours,
‘H. B.’
Thomas Denman, first baron Denman (1779-1854)
English barrister and writer for the
Monthly Review; he was MP,
solicitor-general to Queen Caroline (1820), attorney-general (1820), lord chief justice
(1832-1850). Sydney Smith commented, “Denman everybody likes.”
Henry Luttrell (1768-1851)
English wit, dandy, and friend of Thomas Moore and Samuel Rogers; he was the author of
Advice to Julia, a Letter in Rhyme (1820).
Clemens Fürst von Metternich (1773-1859)
Austrian statesman who proposed the doctrine of a balance of power at the Congress of
Vienna, and who fostered repression of dissent within the subsequent Holy Alliance.
Georgina Meynell Ingram [née Pigou] (1789-1868)
The daughter of Frederick John Pigou (1767-1830) and his wife Louise, friends of Samuel
Rogers; in 1819 she married Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram.
Emperor Louis Napoleon (1808-1873)
Son of Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland; he was emperor of France (1852-70).