LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
Documents Biography Criticism

Samuel Rogers and his Contemporaries
Henry Holland to Samuel Rogers, [July 1850]

Vol. I Contents
Chapter I. 1803-1805.
Chapter II. 1805-1809.
Chapter III. 1810-1812.
Chapter IV. 1813-1814.
Chapter V. 1814-1815.
Chapter VI. 1815-1816.
Chapter VII. 1816-1818.
Chapter VIII. 1818-19.
Chapter IX. 1820-1821.
Chapter X. 1822-24.
Chapter XI. 1825-1827.
Vol. II Contents
Chapter I. 1828-1830.
Chapter II. 1831-34.
Chapter III. 1834-1837.
Chapter IV. 1838-41.
Chapter V. 1842-44.
Chapter VI. 1845-46.
Chapter VII. 1847-50.
Chapter VIII. 1850
Chapter IX. 1851.
Chapter X. 1852-55.
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‘25 Brook Street: Monday [July, 1850].

‘My dear Sir,—I have now been in London a week, but so incessantly occupied with arrears of business, added to by three journeys to patients in the country, that I have not before found time to tell you of my return, as you were good enough to ask me to do.

‘First of yourself—My last direct tidings of you were through Prescott, at whose house in Boston I dined on the 1st of this month, with Everett, Ticknor, and one or two other Boston worthies—a most agreeable close to my American excursion. Prescott spoke with much earnestness of your kindness to him, awakening much affectionate memory of the same in our friend Everett. Your portrait is in the drawing-room of the latter, opposite to that of Lord Aberdeen.

‘From Mr. Prescott’s report I infer favourably of your progress to that time. I shall rejoice in learning that it has continued the same since; and that you have gained good to your strength and to your general health by your stay at Brighton. All that relates, too, to the state of the limb, I shall gladly learn-—gladly, at least, if the account be good.

‘I lived with Everett at Cambridge, near Boston, both when disembarking in America and returning to Europe; and had great enjoyment in his society and in that of the learned and scientific of Cambridge congregated around him. In the interval between my visits to him I accomplished 3,900 miles of travel, stretching as far westwards as the great prairies between Lake Michi-
gan and the Mississippi; making a voyage of more than a thousand miles through the upper Lakes; revisiting Niagara; making a tour through some of the f1nest parts of Upper Canada, descending the St. Lawrence to Quebec, and finishing by a journey through the states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. This is a naked outline; but it will show you that I have not been idle nor inattentive as an observer of this wonderful country, of the unparalleled progress of which few people here have any due conception. The changes and improvements since I was there five years ago are marvellous to me—and improvements in manners and habits, as well as in the physical conditions of the community.

‘I accomplished my travels without a single accident or misadventure of any kind, and with very great good to my health, both present and prospective, for the labours of the winter. The transition is indeed sudden: from prairies, forests, lakes, and rapids, to diarrhoea, catarrh, rhubarb, and antimony; but these changes are agreeable and refreshing to me, and the former make me better competent to deal with the latter.

‘Farewell, my dear Sir. Believe me, ever yours most faithfully,

H. Holland.’