‘My dear Rogers,—I have heard nothing of you since I came to the country of the sun, but I conclude you have well-nigh finished your recovery, and I hope to find you in good force when I turn my face toward the fog and the frost.
‘You are, however, kept in some heat in England by the fury of contending sects. As for the Pope—his folly exceeds his impudence, but agreeing with J. Russell in his indignation, I also join him in feeling no alarm. Certainly, whoever supposed the anti-Catholic spirit to be gone down in England made an egregious mistake. It really seems as strong as ever, though the seventy years elapsed since Lord G. Gordon have so far improved our mob that Cardinal Wiseman may escape alive notwithstanding all that is doing and saying.
‘We have had in this remote quarter rumours of
conspiracy, and even domiciliary visits—nothing close here, but a few
miles off; and the persons arrested are sent to be tried at Lyons by a military
commission, I suppose—that being one of the liberties enjoyed under a
Republic. There has been at Lyons and thereabouts
‘I shall be much pleased to hear that my conjecture of your having got well is better founded than the No Popery alarm in England, and the Rebellion and associated stories in France.