‘My dear Mr. Rogers,—I find by a card I have received this morning, that you have been so kind as to call upon me in town. I therefore trouble you with this note as my only present means of returning your call. I came here a few days after I last had the pleasure of breakfasting with you, and am to stay about three weeks longer. I do all my work here, and go up to town every Friday to correct my proofs, coming back early on the Saturday, as the railroad now enables us to do. I am staying with Dickens, who, with all his family, desire their most kind remembrances to you.
‘This place is full of associations connected with you,
which make it more pleasant to all of us. A steamer from Hamburg (or
Rotterdam), with a large cargo of live cattle, was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands
at midnight on Saturday. Early on Sunday the Broadstairs boatmen went out to
the wreck to save or to render what assistance they could; and at ten on Sunday
night they returned with sixteen oxen and twenty-four sheep, of course all
dead. Such of the poor creatures as the boatmen had found alive, still swimming
about the wreck,