Samuel Rogers and his Contemporaries
[All rights reserved]
I cannot send out to the world
the volumes which complete my Life of Samuel Rogers
without offering my very cordial thanks for the high appreciation expressed by so many
organs of literary opinion of the first part. ‘The Early Life of Samuel Rogers’ necessarily dealt
with that portion of his unexampled career in which he was establishing his position as a
popular poet, a patron of literature and art, and a man of taste. I had to show from what
origin he sprang, and to trace the two characteristic lines of English middle-class
life—the Tory churchmen, manufacturers and squires, with a dash of French blood, from
whom he inherited his family name; and the Whig Nonconformists, proud of their descent from
the Rev. Philip Henry, yet themselves diverging from
the orthodoxy of their parents, who, through his mother, gave him his chief intellectual
characteristics, and his political and religious opinions. I had to show him leaving the
business career in which he had been brought up, turning his back with hesitation on his
quiet suburban life, and plunging into the ![]()
great stream of London
Society. These new volumes begin just at the point at which he took the step which led him
from literary to social distinction. I have shown in ‘The Early
Life’ the remarkable and growing popularity his poem, ‘The Pleasures of Memory,’ was
enjoying at the time when he settled in St. James’s Place, and made his small and
unostentatious house the most tastefully furnished dwelling in London. It was the eve of a
great literary development; and Rogers’s love of cultivated
society soon made his home a favourite meeting-place of the chief poets, writers, and
artists of his time. The social success followed, and for fifty years
Rogers was a prominent—for a long time the most
prominent—figure in London life. He was the one man, and his house was the one house,
that every stranger from the Continent, or from the United States, or from the English
shires, desired to see. He was surrounded, too, by such a group of poets and wits and
artists and literary men and men of great conversational powers, as the world had never
seen before and has not witnessed since. As the ‘Oracle of Holland
House,’ to use Macaulay’s words, he
became the intimate associate of most of the great statesmen of his time. His time,
moreover, was two whole generations. It included the Gordon riots and the repeal of the
Corn Laws, the French Revolution and the Great Exhibition. It linked together Fox and Sheridan and
Windham and Lord
Grenville with Sir Robert Peel and
Earl Russell and Mr.
Gladstone. Among his poetical contemporaries ![]()
were Cowper and Tennyson, with the Byron
episode and the whole Lake School coming between them; and among his friends were the
authors of ‘Zeluco’ and
‘The Man of Feeling,’ and the
writers of ‘Vanity Fair’ and
‘Master Humphrey’s
The story of fifty years passed in such society as Rogers lived in may be told in two ways. It may be worked
up into a brilliant narrative, or it may be left for the actors in it to describe in their
own diaries and letters. I have chosen the latter course. I have tried to show what was the
kind of society of which Rogers was the centre, and what was the
impression he made on his friends and acquaintances. He has been so slightingly spoken of
since his death, that it will surprise many of my readers to find how highly he was
esteemed—indeed, with what remarkable admiration he was regarded—during his
life by many of the best, the truest, and the greatest of his contemporaries. Meanwhile
many appreciative notices of him have been published, such as Mr. Hayward’s article in ‘The Edinburgh
Review,’ that of Dr. Carruthers in
the eighth edition of ‘The Encyclopedia
Britannica’; and in later years the excellent account of him in the ninth
edition of that Encyclopedia by my friend Professor
Minto, and the ‘Reminiscences’ in ‘The
Quarterly Review’ for last October, which, I regret, must remain anonymous. Mr. Hayward, however,
included in his article some rather scornful references to him by two ladies who, as will
he seen in the second volume of this work, were among his ![]()
devoted friends when he was alive. These, with Lady
Morgan’s fables, and Mr.
Dyce’s Table
Talk, did lasting injury to his memory. Now, at length, the world will see, from
the remarkable series of letters in these volumes, what Rogers really
was, and the impression he made on the men whose friendship and esteem form one of the
foundations of his enduring fame.
The dislike which Coleridge felt for
Rogers on first meeting him at Wordsworth’s house (p. 9, vol. i.), contrasts in a
very striking way not only with Coleridge’s own subsequent
regard for him, but also with the affection which Wordsworth
entertained towards him. The world now learns for the first time how much
Rogers and Wordsworth were to one another. It
learns something too of the great Lake poet himself. The letters from
Wordsworth which are spread all through these volumes give a
closer view of him as a man, and in his domestic relations, than is to be found in any book
I know. It is not the Wordsworth of his nephew’s stilted biography, but the Wordsworth of every-day life. The
bishop tried to show only the great man—his sublime head, like Horace’s, striking the stars—in these letters he
is a man among men, with the wants and the weaknesses, the small interests and the fretting
cares of common life. I have seen no such picture of Wordsworth as
these letters and other references to him in these volumes give. Next to
Wordsworth, Tom Moore is
the most prominent of Rogers’s contemporaries in my pages. He is
here, however, rather as a diarist than as a correspondent. I ![]()
have had to point out some defects in his biographies. His Life of Byron contained a good many letters
from Byron to Rogers. He had the
originals in his hands, and I find on them the pencil marks which directed the copyist what
to omit. He printed the letters without any sign of these omissions, and in reproducing
them I have restored most of the missing passages. I have also pointed out, in correction
of Medwin’s vulgar misrepresentations, how
Byron’s rhymed attack on
Rogers is really to be taken.
In writing his ‘Life of
Sheridan’ Moore had all Rogers’s papers before him; but overlooked one,
which he probably thought was nothing but the inventory of a sale. I have shown, however,
that it solves a mystery as to Sheridan’s income which has
puzzled all who have written about him.
The letters which passed between Rogers and Richard Sharp during the
great political crisis in 1834 present a most lively picture of the personal movements and
views of the chief actors in the drama. The message from Lord Grenville conveyed by
Rogers’s letter to Lord
Lansdowne seven years before this, his correspondence with Lord Grey, and the remarkable series of letters on public
affairs addressed to him by Lord Brougham after
Rogers was laid aside, are striking evidences of his interest in
political affairs. His own letters to his sister give glimpses of English country life in
two generations.
I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Lord John
Russell’s ‘Memoirs,
Journal, and Correspondence
of Thomas Moore’; to Dr.
Sadler’s admirably edited ‘Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence of Henry Crabb
Robinson’; and to Mrs.
Kemble’s ‘Records of
Later Years.’
The materials for Rogers’s
biography were placed in my hands by the relatives to whom he left them. His executors were
his nephews, the late Mr. Samuel Sharpe and the late
Mr. William Sharpe, and most of the letters from
various eminent persons, and the diaries, in these volumes and in the earlier volume, were
entrusted to me by Miss Sharpe and Miss
Matilda Sharpe, of 32 Highbury Place, and Mrs.
Sharpe, of 1 Highbury Terrace. Miss Blanche
Rogers and Miss Meta Rogers,
great-granddaughters of Rogers’s oldest brother, Daniel Rogers, have supplied me with much additional
material, chiefly with Rogers’s own letters to his brother
Henry and his sister Sarah, and have given me valuable assistance in other
ways. Mrs. Sharpe, of the Grove, Hampstead, gave me the recollections
of his uncle’s conversation put down by her husband, the late Mr. Henry
Sharpe. To Mrs. Drummond, of Fredley and Hyde Park
Gardens, I am indebted for the use of the important and valuable letters of Richard Sharp. My authority for the statement that
Rogers once made an offer of marriage to Lavinia Banks, afterwards Mrs.
Forster, is her granddaughter Miss Poynter.
My grateful thanks are also due to those who have so readily responded to my
request for permission to print letters. First of all to her most gracious Majesty the
Queen, for leave to publish the letter in which
Prince ![]()
Albert, in her name, offered Rogers the Laureateship on the death of Wordsworth; and next to the Duke of
Wellington and the Duke of Sutherland, the
Marquis of Pufferin and Ava, the Earl of
Lytton, Lord Grantley, Lord
Monteagle, Lord Knutsford, Sir Robert
Peel, Captain Sir George Beaumont, Mr. S. E.
Bouverie-Pusey, Mr. Ernest Coleridge, and Dr.
Charles Mackay, for similar permission, cordially given. To the late
Lord Brougham I am indebted, not only for granting leave to print
his brother’s letters, but for reading them all
before they were sent to the press. At the request of the Dowager Lady
Lilford, Sir Charles Newton kindly gave me similar help
with the letters of Lord and Lady Holland. With respect to the letter on page 309, vol. i.,
Sir Charles Newton tells me that in the Gem room of the British
Museum is to be seen the snuff-box given by Napoleon
to Lady Holland, his writing which accompanied the gift, and
General Fox’s memorandum written on a separate card. I am
indebted to Earl Grey, not only for permission to publish the letters
of his illustrious father, his mother, and his brother,
but for the explanation I have been able to give of his own letter on page 284, vol. ii.,
and to Lord Ashburnham who kindly read his grandfather’s letters
and supplied me with one or two annotations on them.
I have further to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Countess
Russell for leave to publish her own and Lord John
Russell’s letters, and to Lady Agatha Russell for
kind assistance in editing them; to the Dowager ![]()
Marchioness of Ely, the Baroness
Burdett-Coutts, and Mrs. Gladstone; to the Honourable
Justice Denman for Rogers’s lines
addressed to him; to Mrs. Maxwell Scott for leave to print the letters
of Sir Walter Scott; to Miss
Mackenzie of Edinburgh for copies of Rogers’s
letters to her grandfather, ‘The Man of
Feeling,’ and permission to use his letters both in these volumes and
in ‘The Early Life’; to
Mr. T. Price, executor of Lady Price, for
sanctioning the use of the valuable and interesting letters of his uncle Sir Uvedale Price; to Sir John Farnaby
Lennard, of Wickham Court, for leave to include those of Henry Hallam; to Lady
Eastlake for similar leave and some valuable hints; to Mrs. Arthur
Severn for looking over Mr.
Ruskin’s letters during his illness, and to Mr.
Ruskin himself for letting them appear. For the inclusion in the volumes of
Dickens’s most characteristic and amusing
letters I am indebted to Miss Georgina Hogarth; while Mrs.
Forster and Mrs. Kemble, with the
greatest readiness, responded to my request. Mr. George Ticknor
Curtis, of New York, and Messrs. G. Putnam’s Sons, of the same city,
cordially sanctioned the printing of letters by Washington
Irving and Daniel Webster.
In giving me leave to use the letters of his grandfather, Mr.
William Wordsworth writes: ‘I had the pleasure in my schoolboy days
of breakfasting on two or three occasions with Mr.
Rogers in the last years of his life, and I have a lively and grateful
recollection of the great amiability and courtesy which he extended to all the members
of my family whenever we visited him’; ![]()
and the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey, in
sanctioning the use of his father’s letters,
says, ‘I have a vivid recollection of Mr. Rogers, though very
young when I had opportunities of being in his society. I well remember being at a
remarkable breakfast at his house when Sydney
Smith, Tom Moore, my father and,
I think, Wordsworth, were among the guests.
There were giants in those days.’ There are a few letters from people eminent
in their time who left no near relatives behind them and whose heirs I have failed to
trace. In such cases I have thought it better to print the letters than to omit them; but I
have only done so where the interest was entirely of a public character and no private
matters were involved.
13 Tavistock Square, London:
March 1889.
Absent or present, still to thee,
My friend, what magic spells belong!
As all can tell who share like me
In turn thy converse and thy song.
But when the dreaded hour shall come,
By Friendship ever deem’d too nigh—
And ‘Memory’ o’er her Druid’s tomb
Shall weep that aught of thee can die—
How fondly will she then repay
Thy homage offer’d at her shrine,
And blend, while ages roll away,
Her name immortally with thine.
April 19, 1812.
Henry Peter Brougham, first baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Educated at Edinburgh University, he was a founder of the
Review in which he chastised Byron's
Hours of Idleness; he
defended Queen Caroline in her trial for adultery (1820), established the London University
(1828), and was appointed lord chancellor (1830).
Frances Butler [née Kemble] (1809-1893)
English actress and writer, daughter of Charles Kemble and Maria Theresa Kemble; on a
tour to America in 1834 she was unhappily married to Pierce Butler (1807-1867).
Robert Carruthers (1799-1878)
Scottish journalist and man of letters who assisted Robert Chambers in
Cyclopaedia of English Literature (1843-44) and published a
Life of Pope (1857).
Peter William Clayden (1827-1902)
English journalist and unitarian minister; he wrote for the
The Fortnightly,
Magazine, and the
Daily News.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)
English poet and philosopher who projected
Lyrical Ballads (1798)
with William Wordsworth; author of
Biographia Literaria (1817),
On the Constitution of the Church and State (1829) and other
Angela Georgina Burdett- Coutts (1814-1906)
Daughter of the politician Francis Burdett and friend of Charles Dickens, she inherited a
banking fortune and became a noted philanthropist.
William Cowper (1731-1800)
English poet, author of
Olney Hymns (1779),
Gilpin (1782), and
The Task (1785); Cowper's delicate
mental health attracted as much sympathy from romantic readers as his letters, edited by
William Hayley, did admiration.
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
English novelist, author of
David Copperfield and
Great Expectations.
Alexander Dyce (1798-1869)
Editor and antiquary, educated at Edinburgh High School and Exeter College, Oxford; he
Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers
Lady Elizabeth Eastlake [née Rigby] (1809-1893)
Art critic, translator, and reviewer for the
Quarterly; she
married Sir Charles Lock Eastlake in 1849. She was related to Lady Palgrave through her
mother, Anne Palgrave.
Lavinia Forster [née Banks] (1775-1858)
Daughter of the sculptor Thomas Banks (1735-1808) and grandmother of Sir Edward John
Poynter. After rejecting a proposal from her life-long friend Samuel Rogers she married
Edward Forster in 1799.
Charles James Fox (1749-1806)
Whig statesman and the leader of the Whig opposition in Parliament after his falling-out
with Edmund Burke.
Elizabeth Fox, Lady Holland [née Vassall] (1771 c.-1845)
In 1797 married Henry Richard Fox, Lord Holland, following her divorce from Sir Godfrey
Webster; as mistress of Holland House she became a pillar of Whig society.
Henry Richard Fox, third baron Holland (1773-1840)
Whig politician and literary patron; Holland House was for many years the meeting place
for reform-minded politicians and writers. He also published translations from the Spanish
and Italian;
Memoirs of the Whig Party was published in 1852.
William Wyndham Grenville, baron Grenville (1759-1834)
Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, he was a moderate Whig MP, foreign secretary
(1791-1801), and leader and first lord of the treasury in the “All the Talents” ministry
(1806-1807). He was chancellor of Oxford University (1810).
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
Henry Hallam (1777-1859)
English historian and contributor to the
Edinburgh Review, author
Introduction to the Literature of Europe, 4 vols (1837-39) and
other works. He was the father of Tennyson's Arthur Hallam.
Abraham Hayward (1801-1884)
English barrister and essayist who contributed to the
Review and wrote
The Art of Dining (1852); his translation
of Goethe's
Faust was published in 1833.
Philip Henry (1631-1696)
Nonconformist divine, ejected from his living in 1663 for refusing to use the Book of
Common Prayer; his life was written by his son Matthew.
Horace (65 BC-8 BC)
Roman lyric poet; author of
Epistles, Satires, and the
Ars Poetica.
Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831)
Scottish man of letters, author of
The Man of Feeling (1770) and
editor of
The Mirror (1779-80) and
Lounger (1785-87).
Thomas Medwin (1788-1869)
Lieutenant of dragoons who was with Byron and Shelley at Pisa; the author of
Conversations of Lord Byron (1824) and
The Life of
Percy Bysshe Shelley, 2 vols (1847).
William Minto (1845-1893)
Scottish journalist and professor of logic and literature at Aberdeen (1880-93) who
edited Walter Scott and published
Manual of English Prose Literature,
Biographical and Critical (1872).
Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
Irish poet and biographer, author of the
Irish Melodies (1807-34),
The Fudge Family in Paris (1818), and
Rookh (1817); he was Byron's close friend and designated biographer.
Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821)
Military leader, First Consul (1799), and Emperor of the French (1804), after his
abdication he was exiled to Elba (1814); after his defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St.
Helena (1815).
Sir Uvedale Price, first baronet (1747-1829)
Of Foxley in Herefordshire; he was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and
Essay on the Picturesque (1794).
Daniel Rogers (1760 c.-1829)
Son of Thomas Rogers (1735-93) and eldest brother of the poet Thomas Rogers; he married
Martha Bowles and lived as a country squire near Stourbridge.
Emily Blanche Rogers (1851-1889 fl.)
Granddaughter of Daniel Rogers, elder brother of the poet Samuel Rogers.
Henry Rogers (1774-1832)
Son of Thomas Rogers (1735-93) and youngest brother of the poet Thomas Rogers; he was the
head of the family bank, Rogers, Towgood, and Co. until 1824, and a friend of Charles
Meta Harman Rogers (d. 1894)
Granddaughter of Daniel Rogers, the elder brother of the poet Samuel Rogers. Date from
genealogy site.
Samuel Rogers (1763-1855)
English poet, banker, and aesthete, author of the ever-popular
Pleasures of Memory (1792),
Columbus (1810),
Jaqueline (1814), and
Italy (1822-28).
Sarah Rogers (1772-1855)
Of Regent's Park. the younger sister of the poet Samuel Rogers; she lived with her
brother Henry in Highbury Terrace.
John Ruskin (1819-1900)
Art critic and social reformer; he published
Modern Painters, 5
vols (1843-60) and
The Stones of Venice (1851-53).
John Russell, first earl Russell (1792-1878)
English statesman, son of John Russell sixth duke of Bedford (1766-1839); he was author
Essay on the English Constitution (1821) and
Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe (1824) and was Prime Minister (1865-66).
Thomas Sadler (1822-1891)
Unitarian minister educated at University College, London; he edited Henry Crabb
Diaries (1869).
Richard Sharp [Conversation Sharp] (1759-1835)
English merchant, Whig MP, and member of the Holland House set; he published
Letters and Essays in Poetry and Prose (1834).
Matilda Sharpe (1830-1916)
English painter and schoolmistress, the daughter of the Egyptologist Samuel Sharpe; she
Old Favourites from the Elder Poets (1881).
Samuel Sharpe (1799-1881)
Banker and Egyptologist; he was the nephew of the poet Samuel Rogers and brother of the
geologist Daniel Sharpe.
William Sharpe (1804-1870)
London solicitor, the son of Sutton Sharpe and nephew of the poet Samuel Rogers, whose
Reminiscences (1859) he edited.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)
Anglo-Irish playwright, author of
The School for Scandal (1777),
Whig MP and ally of Charles James Fox (1780-1812).
Sydney Smith (1771-1845)
Clergyman, wit, and one of the original projectors of the
Review; afterwards lecturer in London and one of the Holland House
Charles Cuthbert Southey (1819-1888)
Son of Robert Southey whose
Life and Correspondence (1849-1850) he
edited. Educated at Queen's College, Oxford, he was curate of Plumbland in Cumberland,
vicar of Kingsbury Episcopi, Somerset (1855-79) and Askham, near Penrith (1885).
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Poet laureate and man of letters whose contemporary reputation depended upon his prose
works, among them the
Life of Nelson, 2 vols (1813),
History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (1823-32) and
The Doctor, 7 vols (1834-47).
Alfred Tennyson, first baron Tennyson (1809-1892)
English poet who succeeded William Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850; he published
Poems, chiefly Lyrical (1830) and
Idylls of the
King (1859, 1869, 1872).
Daniel Webster (1782-1852)
American statesman and orator; he was a United States senator (1827-41, 1845-50) and
secretary of state (1841-43).
William Windham (1750-1810)
Educated at Eton and University College, Oxford, he was a Whig MP aligned with Burke and
Fox and Secretary at war in the Pitt administration, 1794-1801.
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
With Coleridge, author of
Lyrical Ballads (1798), Wordsworth
survived his early unpopularity to succeed Robert Southey as poet laureate in 1843.
The Quarterly Review. (1809-1967). Published by John Murray, the
Quarterly was instigated by Walter
Scott as a Tory rival to the
Edinburgh Review. It was edited by
William Gifford to 1824, and by John Gibson Lockhart from 1826 to 1853.
Encyclopædia Britannica; or, a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, compiled upon
a new plan. 3 vols (Edinburgh: Colin Macfarquhar, 1771). 3 vols, 1768-1771, ed. William Smellie; 10 vols, 1777–1784, ed. James Tytler; 18 vols,
1788–1797, ed. Colin Macfarquhar and George Gleig; supplement to 3rd, 2 vols, 1801; 20
vols, 1801–1809, ed. James Millar; 20 vols, 1817, ed. James Millar; supplement to 5th, 6
vols, 1816–1824, ed. Macvey Napier; 20 vols, 1820–1823, ed. Charles Maclaren; 21 vols,
1830–1842, ed. Macvey Napier and James Browne.