‘Dear Rogers,—You are too much a man of the world to embark in any undertaking that has not received the sanction of public approbation. I can, with a little more confidence, endeavour now to press you into the service of the Quarterly Review, since the work increases in circulation to an extent that much exceeds the expectation of the most sanguine of the undertakers. It is the wish of the leaders of this Review that you would assist in supporting it with your talents occasionally, leaving it to your own choice to remain concealed, or to claim the honours of your pen. The work they wish you to take in hand, at present, is Shee’s last publication, the notes to which I propose to examine in conjunction with you. I am at present employed in dissecting Hayley’s Life of Romney, which is immediately wanted, and I have neither health nor leisure enough to undertake both for the next number. Have the goodness to inform me, in the course of a day or two, whether you are inclined, or not, to accede to this proposal. It is at the express desire of G. Ellis and Gifford that I press you upon this subject.
‘The last week was an eventful one to me and my family.
I arrived on Saturday se’ennight at Hyde, after rather a fatiguing
journey on horseback. On Sunday I was with difficulty kept awake the whole day,
and went in consequence early to bed. About ten o’clock the same evening
Mrs. Hoppner found me on the floor,
and I lay from that time in a state of total insensibility for two nights and
two days. From this stupefaction I was
‘I have more letters to write, and must therefore take a hasty leave, requesting you to believe me,