Samuel Rogers and his Contemporaries
Samuel Rogers to Sarah Rogers, 16 September 1812
‘Glenfinnart: 16 Sept. 1812.
‘No, my dear Sarah, I can truly say I do not enjoy it so much as I did and
(I may say I think) as you did, when we were together, but I have no right to
complain. I am now with friends who do everything they can do to prevent my
most secret wishes. I am glad to think that you are So comfortable. Nothing
seems to be wanting but our Fanny to make Cheadle what it
once was. It is indeed very unlucky that Quarry Bank should be left the moment
you came. You are right as to your conjecture of Moore’s house. The two windows belong to the kitchen, the
bay window to the dining-room. Two small parlours (one of them his book-room)
look into the garden behind. Their bedroom is over the dining-room, the nursery
over the kitchen, and there she was sitting and peeping when I came. At
Arrochar I dined between my two voyages, and I saw the landlady, now a matronly
but a very nice-looking woman, in her garden. Alas! I had neither grapes nor
grouse, and grouse I have only seen twice since I left Lowther, though a man
goes out ![]()
every day among
the hills to shoot some for me. This is a very pretty place; and to give you a
notion of where I am, I subjoin an attempt at a map. The house is very small
and neat, in a narrow, rocky glen running up among steep mountains, with its
small river, and a beautiful beech grove between it and the lake. A ferry is
within sight of the windows; and while we sit at dinner, we see the little boat
passing and repassing continually. At the ferry-house is kept also a
packet-boat, which twice a week sails to Greenock with passengers, and takes
and brings back our letters, and brings grapes and peaches from the gardens at
Dunmore, so that I can even read of your luxuries without a sigh. Indeed, we
are so supplied that we are obliged to consume the peaches and apricots in
tarts and puddings. What would Fingal and
his family have thought of this? An old laird, who lives on a lake immediately
behind these mountains, dines with them once a year generally, and always eats
with great relish what he calls their “apples with stones.” Our
family consists of my host and hostess, and two little boys—one five
years old, one two—and no human being have I seen besides, except the
schoolmaster and the ferryman and the passengers on the sea-shore. We breakfast
at nine, and dine at half-past three, and go to bed at ten. All the mountains
far and wide on our side Loch Long belong to Lord
Dunmore, who is planting everywhere. From the windows you see
the lake and the opposite shore a mile off, and also the shore on the other
side of the Clyde towards Greenock, and from the ferry-house half a mile from
us (my favourite sauntering place) the look up the lake to Arrochar, nine
miles, is, as you may ![]()
conceive, sublime, mountain behind
mountain receding one behind another, on each side of the lake, till the vista
terminates in a point, and these clad in the softest and richest colours that
mist and sunshine can give them. Indeed, I think in its way it surpasses
everything of the kind we ever saw together. Poor Mary! an
accident has happened here which has made me often think of her and you. Poor
Lady Dunmore, returning home from a
walk in a shower after dusk the other night, and crossing a little stream, one
of the stepping-stones slipped from under her, and terribly sprained her foot.
I came forwards, as you may suppose, with the vinegar and oatmeal, which worked
wonders, and the next day she put her foot to the ground—a fatal measure
that has thrown her back again, and she is now on the sofa. This has deprived
me of the harp in the evening and has produced still greater consequences. At
the end of a fortnight they were to have made a little tour with me to Loch
Katherine and Dunkeld, and we were to have concluded with a little visit at
Hamilton, from which I meant to have gone to Edinburgh, and so on to Wassall,
where I hoped to have met you and Henry;
but now my schemes are defeated, and they beg so earnestly that I will wait a
week or ten days, when she expects to be able to set out, that I am at a loss
how to refuse. Indeed, to make the journey by myself would be very
uncomfortable as well as expensive. I am indeed so quiet and happy here, that I
ought not to repine, though, as you say, I never think myself quite well. This
place is the wettest in Scotland, though the summer has been better than they
have long known it (it was remarkably rainy ![]()
last year, only think it!), we have seldom two fine
days together, and sometimes it rains and shines alternately every five
minutes; but I pop in and out continually, and generally tire myself in the
course of the day. I have also a charming white pony at my command all day,
though I seldom use it. I have made but two excursions since I came, with
Lord Dunmore. Once our horses were ferried across, and
we rode over to see Roseneath, a beautiful place of the Duke of Argyll’s, returning round the shore
along the Clyde opposite to Greenock till we came back to the ferry
again—a beautiful day and a glorious ride—and once we rode along
our own shore to the Clyde, and round up Holy Loch, on the banks of which we
saw the burial-place of the Argyll family (in our way we saw Dumbarton Castle
in a view up the Clyde), and along Loch Eck till we came down our own glen
‘I had a very kind letter from Henry the other day, and was sorry to hear
such an account of poor Mary. What my plans are now I
cannot say, but I fear I shall not leave Scotland before the latter end of
October. Adieu, my dear Sarah! Pray
give my kind remembrances to one and all who inquire after me, not forgetting
Mary and Mrs. H., and believe me
to be,
‘Ever yours,
‘I expect my book now every day.’
Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
Irish poet and biographer, author of the
Irish Melodies (1807-34),
The Fudge Family in Paris (1818), and
Rookh (1817); he was Byron's close friend and designated biographer.
Henry Rogers (1774-1832)
Son of Thomas Rogers (1735-93) and youngest brother of the poet Thomas Rogers; he was the
head of the family bank, Rogers, Towgood, and Co. until 1824, and a friend of Charles
Samuel Rogers (1763-1855)
English poet, banker, and aesthete, author of the ever-popular
Pleasures of Memory (1792),
Columbus (1810),
Jaqueline (1814), and
Italy (1822-28).
Sarah Rogers (1772-1855)
Of Regent's Park. the younger sister of the poet Samuel Rogers; she lived with her
brother Henry in Highbury Terrace.