‘My dear Sarah,—Many thanks for your kind letter and
Henry’s, inclosing four five-pound notes, which
last I shall answer in a very few days. I was indeed very much surprised and
shocked to hear of J. R.’s death. Coming so soon after another, you and
H. must indeed begin to think that all are going. He was a very excellent man
and much attached to you, and I know of no other qualities in this world worth
a thought. Sharp and I came over from
Ulleswater to this place on Sunday. On Monday we saw a wrestling match for a
prize in a field near Ambleside. It had been long announced and it drew
together all the fine young men of the peasantry from far and near. It was
indeed more interesting than I expected it to be, and lasted above an hour,
there being many contests. By a foolish custom here, no women were present,
though many looked on from the neighbouring hills. Ulleswater looked very
beautiful, though we had little or no sun. Everybody was haymaking. The king,
without coat or waistcoat, attended by his daughters on the margin of the lake;
and the clergyman in the same costume, unattended, tossing his hay about in
solitary dignity in the churchyard. The Mackintoshes came here on Monday. Yesterday they went over to
Ulleswater for a night, and, Sharp going with them, I
walked to drink tea at Grasmere. It was about six miles and the sun burning
hot. I set out a little before twelve, meaning to rest myself a little at the
inn at Grasmere, before I made my appearance at W.’s. But I did not
‘The Mackintoshes stay there a day only, and then go on for Scotland. If you write after Monday, pray direct to me under cover to the Earl of Lonsdale, Lowther, near Penrith.
‘Pray give my love to all, and believe me to be,