‘My dear Henry,—I wrote to Sarah on Thursday the 13th, since which I have not heard; but as Lord Lonsdale writes that some letters are lying at Lowther, I hope to find one from home there. I meant to have left this place to-day, but am kept for want of horses. To-morrow I go to Lowther, where I mean to stay about ten days. I will write before I leave it. On Thursday the 13th, Sharp and the Mackintoshes returned to Lowwood from Patterdale. It was a delicious day, and after an early dinner, in M.’s landaulet and dicky, we went through Langdale to Grasmere, where we drank tea with the Wordsworths. Their little girl lies buried in one corner of the churchyard out of sight of their windows. There is a black stone (the stone of the country) at her head, and another at her feet, and the inscription is on the side from the path, so that nobody can read it unless they go on purpose. It was done by the sister unknown to them, and bears this text: “Suffer the little children to come unto Me.” The child was three years old. Mrs. W. cries still every day, as I learn from W. Johnny goes every day to school at Ambleside, carrying his dinner in a satchel on his back.
‘At Ulleswater I met with
Macreary the printer. He was one of a walking party
which it would have given you pleasure to see. There were two very nice girls
among them, each carrying her sketch-book and all her own baggage in her hand.
He spoke with great enthusiasm
AT THE LAKES IN 1812 | 95 |
‘On Sunday the M.’s left me on their way to
Edinburgh, and it rained till five o’clock. I then took a sweet walk by
the lake, which was very gay, all the townspeople being out, and many parties
on the water. The Keswick women are very dexterous at rowing. On Monday, the
17th, it was very sultry, and I rowed, or rather was rowed, about the lake,
visiting Lodore and the islands. In the evening I walked to Ormithwaite, an old
house under Skiddaw, commanding a noble view of the lake and vale of Keswick.
Its fields are full of old oaks; a path runs through them to the little village
of Applethwaite, a few scattered cottages, so called, in a crevice of Skiddaw
(I dare say Sarah remembers it), and
there I wandered till dusk. On Tuesday I spent the whole morning there,
returning at four to dinner, when Mrs. Wood regaled me
with a grouse, and in the evening walked by the lake to Friar’s Crag.
Stephen went with us to Buttermere. He remembers well
the chase Parsons gave him up Skiddaw. At Ulleswater I
looked up the mountain Parsons descended so expertly. On
Monday Cole went up Skiddaw with a party of servants, but
he had not been five minutes on the top when a cloud enveloped them. He seemed
sadly disappointed, but, however, enjoys himself very much. I shall not be
sorry to leave Keswick, not having enjoyed it much. Indeed, I am no longer fit
to be alone. Yesterday