‘My dear Rogers,—I wrote to Lord Holland briefly, but I hope distinctly, on the subject which has lately occupied much of my conversation with him and you. As things now stand, upon that topic my determination must be unalterable.
‘I declare to you most sincerely, that there is no
human being on whose regard and esteem I set a higher value than on Lord Holland’s; and, as far as concerns
himself and Lady Holland, I would concede
even to humiliation without any view to the future, and solely from my sense of
his conduct as to the past. For the rest, I conceive that I have already done
all in my power by the suppression. If that is not enough, they must act as
they please; but I will not “teach my tongue a most inherent
baseness,” come what may. I am sorry that I shall not be able to
call upon you to-day, and, what disappoints me still more, to dine with you
to-morrow. I forwarded a letter from Moore to you; he writes to me in good spirits, which I hope
‘Believe me always yours very affectionately,