Samuel Rogers and his Contemporaries
Richard Sharp to Samuel Rogers, 3 October 1814
‘London: 3rd October, 1814.
‘My dear Friend,—I cannot tell you how much I am
obliged by your letter from Geneva. Were it not in the highest degree
interesting in itself, I should value it greatly as a proof that you think of
me notwithstanding our distance from each other, and the constant occupations
of a journey in such a country as Switzerland. Would that I had been able to
accompany you, and by your side had first seen the lake and the glaciers in the
descent to Nyon. In your taste, you know, I have an
habitual reliance, and I am quite sure that scenes which have made such an
impression as you describe on you will produce a similar effect on me,
according to the measure of my sensibility. You seem to have been broad awake
at Fontainebleau. A common pair of eyes would not have seen a tithe of what you
saw there; yet all you mention was there.
‘I shall follow, I hope, your steps, excepting where you
do not encourage me to follow, and at present my notion is that it will be best
to go at once to Lyons, omitting Dijon. What struck my brother most was the
journey from Geneva to Chamouni, the country about Villeneuve and Vevay, the
vales of Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald, and the upper end of the lake of
Lucerne. He also speaks highly of the passage of the Brunig, and the country
about Altdorf. I hope you have gone through these mountainous scenes without
more fatigue than has been sufficient to give you a sound sleep at night. Some
effort is necessary to stimulate one’s attention.
‘I have but just returned from Cumberland, where I was
very lucky in the weather and in my society. I have been travelling with two
very excellent persons—Lord Calthorpe
and Lady Olivia Sparrow. She is a young
and pretty widow, very accomplished and sensible. Both are very intimate with
Wilberforce who sits for
Lord Calthorpe’s borough, and both are of that
sort of serious people who are nicknamed “saints.” I saw Southey often, but Wordsworth was absent at Lowther.
‘From Brougham’s most delightful house and grounds, ![]()
where I slept two
nights, I walked with him through all the river scenery at Lowther, and I have
also visited Haweswater. I would not build a castle like Lowther, but if I had
a castle I should wish it to have such a neighbour as the river. Haweswater
gave me great pleasure, both by its beauty and its quiet seclusion. I went to
the Chapel, but without such fair companions as you had there. I spent a day
with Canning at Bolton’s. He was accompanied by
Huskisson and Heber. In returning from Leeds, which you know
is in the road from Bolton Abbey, I was overturned near Stilton in a light
coach, as it is called, solely by its top-heaviness. Nine outside passengers
outweighed us four insides, and the road happening to be rather rounder in its
form than usual, over we went with a mighty crash in the middle of the night. I
received not the least hurt, but one of the inside passengers was stunned,
several of the outside were bruised, and one poor woman’s ankle, I fear,
was broken. A very pretty girl of about f1fteen fell on me, and I found her
weight much less than I guess you did that of Lady
Holland when you were upset at her park gate. I hope she is
benef1ted by her journey, for she is a warm and valuable friend. Long before
this time, I take it for granted that you have fallen in with Lord Holland’s party, and are probably
absorbed by it. I hope, too, that you have seen Boddington. He writes in raptures, and I suppose is now passing
the Simplon to Milan.
‘I made a strange astronomical discovery this year, that
the days are as long in September as in June. I had never travelled so late in
the year before, and I ![]()
had no idea of this undoubted fact
before this journey. You cannot have the least suspicion of this important
truth unless you go to bed, as I did, about nine, and
get up at five. I am preparing a paper for the
“Transactions” of the Royal Society, which will remove all your
‘Southey thinks
Wordsworth’s last poem his best,1 but I have not heard what the bookseller reports of
the public opinion.
‘Lara and
his fair companion
2 are in great request, and are much liked in the
country, as well as in town. I was more pleased with “Lara” than I expected, although the faults, especially in
expression, are innumerable. I suppose your verse is in great vigour? You will
go to Italy, of course, and then, “gratulor
Œchaliam,” you will necessarily write in its praise. A
mountain air always did agree well with your muse.
‘You will have parted from one of your pleasant
companions, whose conversation at Paris, and in Switzerland, must have been
invaluable. I have just left your letter under a cover at Clement’s Lane,
for Mr. Henry Rogers, and I hope to
learn how to address this. You will, I trust, not forget me at Florence, Rome,
and Naples, for I am very anxious to learn what impression these places make on
you. May your journey be as beneficial to your health, and to Miss Rogers’s, as it must be delightful
to both.
‘Yours ever affectionately,
Samuel Boddington (1766-1843)
West India merchant in partnership with Richard “Conversation” Sharp; he was a Whig MP
for Tralee (1807). Samuel Rogers and Sydney Smith was a friend.
John Bolton (1756-1837)
Of Storrs Hall, Windermere; originally a Liverpool slave-trader, he was a West-India
merchant, philanthropist and friend of George Canning.
Henry Peter Brougham, first baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Educated at Edinburgh University, he was a founder of the
Review in which he chastised Byron's
Hours of Idleness; he
defended Queen Caroline in her trial for adultery (1820), established the London University
(1828), and was appointed lord chancellor (1830).
George Canning (1770-1827)
Tory statesman; he was foreign minister (1807-1809) and prime minister (1827); a
supporter of Greek independence and Catholic emancipation.
Elizabeth Fox, Lady Holland [née Vassall] (1771 c.-1845)
In 1797 married Henry Richard Fox, Lord Holland, following her divorce from Sir Godfrey
Webster; as mistress of Holland House she became a pillar of Whig society.
Henry Richard Fox, third baron Holland (1773-1840)
Whig politician and literary patron; Holland House was for many years the meeting place
for reform-minded politicians and writers. He also published translations from the Spanish
and Italian;
Memoirs of the Whig Party was published in 1852.
George Gough-Calthorpe, third baron Calthorpe (1787-1851)
The son of the first baron; he was educated at Harrow where he was a contemporary of
Byron, and St. John's College, Cambridge; he succeeded his brother in the title in
Richard Heber (1774-1833)
English book collector, he was the elder half-brother of the poet Reginald Heber and the
friend of Walter Scott: member of the Roxburghe Club and MP for Oxford 1821-1826.
William Huskisson (1770-1830)
English politician and ally of George Canning; privately educated, he was a Tory MP for
Morpeth (1796-1802), Liskeard (1804-07), Harwich (1807-12), Chichester (1812-23), and
Liverpool (1823-30). He died in railway accident.
Henry Rogers (1774-1832)
Son of Thomas Rogers (1735-93) and youngest brother of the poet Thomas Rogers; he was the
head of the family bank, Rogers, Towgood, and Co. until 1824, and a friend of Charles
Samuel Rogers (1763-1855)
English poet, banker, and aesthete, author of the ever-popular
Pleasures of Memory (1792),
Columbus (1810),
Jaqueline (1814), and
Italy (1822-28).
Richard Sharp [Conversation Sharp] (1759-1835)
English merchant, Whig MP, and member of the Holland House set; he published
Letters and Essays in Poetry and Prose (1834).
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Poet laureate and man of letters whose contemporary reputation depended upon his prose
works, among them the
Life of Nelson, 2 vols (1813),
History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (1823-32) and
The Doctor, 7 vols (1834-47).
Lady Olivia Acheson Sparrow (1775-1863)
Daughter of the first earl of Gosford and sister of Lady William Bentinck; in 1797 she
married Robert Bernard Sparrow (1773-1805) and was an active evangelical Christian.
William Wilberforce (1759-1833)
British statesman, evangelical Christian, and humanitarian who worked for the abolition
of slavery. He was an MP for Yorkshire aligned with Fox and Sheridan.
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
With Coleridge, author of
Lyrical Ballads (1798), Wordsworth
survived his early unpopularity to succeed Robert Southey as poet laureate in 1843.