‘I presume you are in a state of earthly existence,
as I have heard nothing to the contrary since we parted in a shower near the
Turnpike Gate of Keswick. Need I add that I hope and wish that you may be well?
In the former part of this sentence, you may have divined there lurks a
charitable reproach; for you left me with some reason to expect that I should
hear of, from, or about you. Though this favour has not been granted, I am not
‘Are we to see you among us this summer? I hope
so—and also that Sharp will not
desert us. How is he in health, and what does he say of Switzerland and Italy,
both in themselves and as compared with the scenes in our neighbourhood, which
he knows so well? Is George Philips as
great an orator as ever, and do you and Dante continue as intimate as heretofore? He used to avenge
himself upon his enemies by placing them in H—ll, a thing Bards seem very
fond of attempting in this day, witness the Laureate’s mode of treating Mr. W. Smith. You keep out of these scrapes, I suppose; why
don’t you hire somebody to abuse you? and the higher the place selected
for the purpose the better. For myself, I begin to fear that I should soon be
forgotten if it were not for my enemies. Yet, now and then, a humble admirer
presents himself, in some cases following up his introduction with a petition.
The other day, I had a letter of this sort