‘My dear Rogers,—I wrote at least six weeks ago, enclosing a letter I had received from Longman, &c., and being unwilling to put you to the expense of double postage upon my own business, I enclosed it to Lord Lowther for the twopenny post-office. Not having had your answer, I am afraid his servant has not attended properly to it.
‘The letter was to beg your assistance in the republication of my poems with some bookseller either more liberal, more adventurous, or more skilful in pushing off unfashionable books than Messrs. Longman. I have been accustomed to publish with them, they facing all risks and halving the profits. This is a wretched way for books of some established credit, but of slow, though regular sale. For the expense of advertising eats away (as conducted by Longman) all the profit which would otherwise accrue after the cost of printing, &c., has been discharged. L. declines publishing on other terms, but says that an edition both of the poems and the “Excursion” is called for, and if not by them, ought immediately to be published by some one. I have no [other] fault to find with Messrs. L. & Co. than is implied above; if we part, it is on good terms, as his letter expressed, and I should not wish for a change without the hope of a better bargain.
‘Now, you may think that I ought to undertake this
disagreeable business myself, and so I should think, if I had not so kind a
friend who has fifty times the talent for this sort of work which I possess,
and who, besides,
‘I have additional short pieces to the amount of five or six hundred lines, which would not bear separate publication, yet might be advantageously interspersed with the four volumes of Miscellaneous Poems. These ought to be considered in the bargain, as there are many periodical publications that would pay me handsomely for them. But I never publish through those channels. The “Continental Memorials” and “Ecclesiastical Sketches” would also be added.
‘It has sometimes struck me the matter of my Miscellaneous Poems might be [so] arranged (if thought advisable) as to be sold in separate volumes. One volume we will say of local poetry, to consist of the “River Duddon,” the Scotch Poems with additions, the Continental pieces, and others. A volume of sonnets, perhaps, &c. I throw this out merely as a hint, being persuaded that many are deterred by the expense of purchasing the whole, who would be glad of a part. Yet I am aware there might be strong objections to this.
‘Pray let me have an answer at your earliest convenience.
‘My friend Mr. Robinson tells us he had the pleasure of seeing your sister not long ago well. Give our best remembrances to her, and accept them yourself, and let us know how you are and have been, where and how Sharp is, and what he reports of Italy and Italian scenery.
‘Poor Monkhouse
is removed from Devonshire to
‘Mrs. W. and I had a delightful ramble last summer through North and part of South Wales. I had not seen N. W. for more than thirty years. The scenery is much finer than my memory represented. I wish you had been with us.