I do entreat you to feel for me before you finally determine
upon the insertion of the Oxford
article. I cannot yet manage to make the Review pay its expenses,
and it is only in the hope of having continually such a number as we expected
to put forth this time, that I can in prudence proceed. The Oxford article can
do Mr. Coplestone no service, because it
is resting his argument upon a defence far inferior to his own in every
respect. It will be of great evil to us; for everyone interested in the dispute
will be disappointed if not disgusted with our having put forth, upon a subject
so very difficult as regards ourselves, a weaker defence than they have
previously read. It were hard to insert what I know would be so very
prejudicial to me. I know indeed that you would not press it but for the
dilemma in which its rejection would place you; but I think that a letter from
you to Mr. C. would show it to be his own interest to retain it for the
present; and the writer
Pitt arrived so late that it is impossible to get the number out this week. We may yet, therefore, hope for Crabbe, and this with Southey’s article on the Faroe Islands* will make a number good enough to apologise for a delay which otherwise carries ruin with it. For all this, I do most sincerely and devotedly rely upon your judgment and energy, in consideration of the great capital (nearly £5000) that I have embarked in this concern. I mention this for the purpose of showing that no ordinary man of business would have done this. But I will venture twice that sum upon what I know to be able. I have not yet, upon my honour, paid my expenses in any one single number of the Review. You will not be displeased, therefore, if I am over anxious to improve in every number, and desirous of printing the very best material that we can procure. I will only add that whatever I may say respecting the articles is entirely from the suggestion of my own point of view—I mean that I neither show them to, nor consult with, any friend of mine. Having mentioned this, I leave the whole entirely to you. I am only anxious for our mutual satisfaction.