When you were here this morning, I had not the smallest idea of the munificence of your kindness; for it would have been very repugnant to my feelings to make any inquiry; and I therefore waited till Snow’s Book came to me in the usual course of business. Patty brought it in, ten minutes after you left me. After all I have seen of your liberality, I confess I was surprised; and I hope you will believe me when I add that I was also a little grieved. I need not such costly proofs of your regard. Had you made the former sum £200, I should have been both satisfied and pleased; had you given me £50, beyond which my thoughts never advanced, I should have deeply felt your kindness; but what to say of this profession of friendship I know not. To remonstrate with you is a vain and ungrateful task—and the subject affects me. I can only hope, therefore, that I may be enabled to show how sensibly it touches me, and that I am, with the truest regard, your