I acknowledge with thanks your remittance of £100,
and I will be happy to light on some subject which will suit the Review, which
may be interesting and present some novelty. But I have to look forward to a
very busy period betwixt this month and January, which may prevent my
contribution being ready before that time. You may be assured that for many
reasons I have every wish to assist the Quarterly, and will be always happy to give
any support which is in my power. I have inclosed for Moore a copy of one of Byron’s letters to me. I received another of considerable
interest, but I do not think it right to give publicity without the permission
of a person whose name is repeatedly mentioned. I hope the token of my good
wishes will not come too late. These letters have been only recovered after a
long search
I beg my kind compliments to Mrs. Murray and the young ladies, and am, yours truly,