A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith
Letters 1808
Sydney Smith to John Allen, [January? 1810]
I am glad to find that I am mistaken respecting the King of
Clubs. Of Lord Holland or you I never had
any doubt, nor of Romilly, but of all
the others I had; that is, I thought they were of opinion that the benefit of
Lords Grenville, Grey, etc., should not be lost to the country for that single
I have sent my sermon to Lord Grenville.
It is not that the politics of the day are considered
unsuitable to the Edinburgh
Review, but the personalities of the day are
objected to. This seems to have influenced Jeffrey. I thought it right, once for all, to make a profession
of my faith; and by that, to exempt myself ever after from the necessity of
noticing such attacks as have been made upon me in the Quarterly Review. I meant to do it bluntly and
shortly; if I have done it with levity, I am a clumsy and an unlucky fellow.
I by no means give up my opinions respecting the Catholic
bishops. I have added something to that note, in order to explain it; but if
the electors, warned of the incivism of their candidate, still procure his
election, and put him in a situation where he is dependent on the will, and
subject to the influence, of a foreign power, the Government has a right, upon
every principle of self-preservation, to act with that man as I propose. You
may object to the objectors, but nobody else can be entrusted with such a
My brethren, who tremble at my boldness, should be more
attentive to what I really said, which concerns not the
truth or falsehood of the passage, but ![]()
the expediency or
inexpediency of allowing it to be an interpolation.
Brougham has been extremely friendly to me
about my sermon.
Henry Peter Brougham, first baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Educated at Edinburgh University, he was a founder of the
Review in which he chastised Byron's
Hours of Idleness; he
defended Queen Caroline in her trial for adultery (1820), established the London University
(1828), and was appointed lord chancellor (1830).
Henry Richard Fox, third baron Holland (1773-1840)
Whig politician and literary patron; Holland House was for many years the meeting place
for reform-minded politicians and writers. He also published translations from the Spanish
and Italian;
Memoirs of the Whig Party was published in 1852.
William Wyndham Grenville, baron Grenville (1759-1834)
Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, he was a moderate Whig MP, foreign secretary
(1791-1801), and leader and first lord of the treasury in the “All the Talents” ministry
(1806-1807). He was chancellor of Oxford University (1810).
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey (1773-1850)
Scottish barrister, Whig MP, and co-founder and editor of the
Review (1802-29). As a reviewer he was the implacable foe of the Lake School of
Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818)
Reformer of the penal code and the author of
Thoughts on Executive
Justice (1786); he was a Whig MP and Solicitor-General who died a suicide.
The Quarterly Review. (1809-1967). Published by John Murray, the
Quarterly was instigated by Walter
Scott as a Tory rival to the
Edinburgh Review. It was edited by
William Gifford to 1824, and by John Gibson Lockhart from 1826 to 1853.