I have been long intending to write you a letter of congratulation. There is more happiness in a multitude of children than safety in a multitude of counsellors; and if I were a rich man, I should like to have twenty children.
It seems to me that Canning would come in again under Lord Wellesley, and the whole of this eruption would end with making a stronger Ministry than before.
My wishes for Lord Grenville’s success are, I confess, not very fervent: it would be exceedingly agreeable, considered as a victory gained over the Court, but it would connect Lord Grenville personally with high Tories and Churchmen, and operate as a very serious check to the liberal views which he now entertains; and as I consider Lord Grenville as a Magdalene in politics, I always suspect there may be a hankering after his old courses, and wish therefore to keep him as much as possible out of bad company. The Archbishop of these parts not only votes for him, but writes flaming panegyrics upon him, which he has read to me. There are eight other bishops who vote for him. It seems quite unnatural,—like a murrain among the cattle.
I hear you have a good tutor for Henry, which I am
exceedingly glad of. Lord Grey has met with
no tutor as yet; tutors do not like to go beyond Adrian’s Wall. You are
aware that it is necessary to fumigate Scotch tutors: they are excellent men,
but require this little