Nothing can be better written than Burns. The Bishop’s Spanish America opens badly. We shall talk
I by no means say I will not go on with the Edinburgh Review,—by no means say that I will not contribute more copiously, and articles of better stamp, than I yet have done; but whether I will do so or not, will depend upon the result of our conference. Meet we must, as I shall be either where you are coming to, or where you will pass through; in which of these two places, I do not know. My first object is to sell my house: if I do it before Lady-day, I will quit London at that period. It is very improbable however that I shall do so now; and I guess that I shall stay in London till the birthday.
I beg you very seriously to take a little pains with your handwriting: if you will be resolute about it for a month, you will improve immensely: at present your writing is, literally speaking, illegible, and I have not now read one-half of your letter. You talked of reviewing my sermons, now published: I should be obliged to you to lay aside the idea; I know very well my sermons are quite insignificant.
Spain is quite gone. In all probability the English army will be entirely destroyed; and though the struggle will be long, the greater chance surely is that this country will at length be involved in the general ruin.