I am very much obliged to you for your kindness in sending me the pheasants. One of my numerous infirmities is a love of eating pheasants.
I am always sorry for any evil that happens to Lady Grey, be it only a sick finger; no light malady, when it prevents those who respect her as much as I do from receiving a letter from her. I shall have great pleasure in criticizing the flower-garden next year, but still have a hankering for a little bit of green in the middle.
I wish I could write as well as Plymley; but if I could, where is such a case to be found? When had any lawyer such a brief? The present may be a good brief, but how can it be so good?
To write such letters as you require, it would be
necessary (supposing, as you politely suppose, that I could do the thing well
under any circumstances) that I should be near you, and in London: materials
furnished at such a distance from you and the press, would never do; especially
in a production that must be hasty, if it is at all. You may depend upon it, I
will be as good as my word, and write one or two pamphlets. I shall never own
them, and you will probably read them without knowing them to be mine; but it
will be contributing my mite to a good cause.
I dare say you are right about ——’s declaration; and as I never find you averse to reason a matter with a person so politically ignorant as myself, were I in Howick library, I dare say I should soon yield to your explanations. It appears to me that the little Methodist says, “There is a vacancy in the Government; I will proceed to fill it up, in a manner which appears to me (and has before appeared to Mr. Pitt) the most eligible. In the meantime, as there is no executive government, the public service must not suffer. We (not I) will perform every function of the Executive, and then come for a bill of indemnity.”
Now, if his plan for a Regency is right, how is his declaration blamable? Somebody must act till the vacancy is filled up; and if not the Ministers, who besides? But they have not filled up this vacancy in the most expeditious manner. True,—they are blamable; not for acting executively in the interval, but for not making that interval as short as possible.
Excuse my heresies: you know that a short argument often teaches me.