I am truly glad that Tierney is better from those nitrous baths. Can so much nitrous
acid get into the human frame without producing some moral and intellectual
effect as well as physical? If you watch, I think you will find changes. You
have done an excellent deed in securing a seat for poor Mackintosh, in whose praise I most cordially
concur. He is very great, and a very delightful man, and, with a few bad
qualities added to his character, would have acted a most conspicuous part in
life. Yet, after all, he is rather academic than forensic. A professorship at
Hertford is well imagined, and if he can keep clear of
If I could envy any man for successful ill-nature, I should envy Lord Byron for his skill in satirical nomenclature.
Nothing can exceed the evils of this spring. All agricultural operations are at least a month behindhand. The earth, that ought to be as hard as a biscuit, is as soft as dough. We live here in great seclusion;—happily and comfortably. My life is cut up into little patches. I am schoolmaster, farmer, doctor, parson, justice, etc. etc.
I hope you have read, or are reading, Mr. Stewart’s book, and are far gone in the philosophy of mind; a science, as he repeatedly tells us, still in its infancy: I propose, myself, to wait till it comes to years of discretion. I hear Lord Holland has taken a load of fishing-tackle with him. This is a science which appears to me to be still in its infancy.
Do not let Allen stay too long at home; it will give him a turn for the domestic virtues, and spoil him.
We are all well, and unite, my dear Lady Holland, in the kindest regards to you and the noble fisherman.