I have innumerable thanks to return to you for the kind
solicitude you have displayed respecting my rural architecture. I have
explained myself so fully to Allen upon
the convenience and necessity of this measure, that I will not bore you any
more with the subject; but I must add a word upon the Archbishop’s conversation with Abercrombie. Is it not a little singular, that
his Grace, in all the various conversations I have had with him on this
subject,—on the promise I made to him to build,—on the complaints I have
frequently made to him of the great hardships and expense of building, when I
laid be-
We have had meetings here of the clergy, upon the subject of the Catholic question, but none in my district; if there be, I shall certainly give my solitary voice in favour of religious liberty, and shall probably be tossed in a blanket for my pains.
Conceive the horror of fourteen men hung yesterday! And yet it is difficult to blame the Judges for it, though it would be some relief to be able to blame them. The murderers of Horsefall were all Methodists; one of them, I believe, a preacher.
I hope you will take a ramble to the North this year. You
want a tour; nothing does you so much good. Come and alarm the village, as you
did before. Your coming has produced the same impression as the march of
Alexander or Bacchus over India, and will be as long remembered in the
traditions of the innocent natives. They still believe
Antonio to have been an ape. Pray accept a Yorkshire
ham, which set off yesterday, directed to Lord
Holland, St. James’s-square, by waggon which comes to the
Bull and Mouth;