When I tell you this is the last week of my old house, and that we are in all the agonies of departure and of packing up, you will excuse me that I have not written to you before. Accept my sincere congratulations, offered deliberately and upon reflection. The heart of man must have its cravings satisfied, as well as those of his belly. You have got a wife,—that is, something to love,—and you will be all the happier for it! I pronounce my benediction on the whole business.
I am obliged to you for the Review, which I have not had time to read. Brougham is, I believe, at York; but I have been away since the Circuit entered, and living at my farm-house lodgings, to superintend my buildings.
Pray explain to me what is or was intended, respecting the
statues of Playfair and Stewart. I object to the marble compliment: it
should have been a compliment in oil-paint, or, if marble, should have come
down only to the shoulders; for if Playfair and
Stewart (excellent men and writers as they are) are
allowed marble from top to toe, what is there left for Newton, Washington, and Lord
Wellington? My dilemma in this laudatory scheme is this:—if
I have not read a paper for these four days; but this lingering war will not do for Buonaparte. The white cockade will be up, if he do not proceed more rapidly. I have no doubt but that the Bourbons must have a very large party in France, consisting of all those who love stability and peace better than eternal war and agitation; but these men have necessarily a great dread of Buonaparte,—a great belief in his skill, fortune, and implacability. It will take them years after he is killed to believe that he is dead.
Can I be of any service for the next number of the Review? I shall be very happy to be so, if anything occur, and if (as I now think I shall have) I have leisure to attend to it. We are all extremely well; Mrs. Sydney, never better. Pray remember me, dear Jeffrey, and say a good word for me if I die first. I shall say many for you in the contrary event!
When shall I see Scotland again? Never shall I forget the happy days I passed there, amidst odious smells, barbarous sounds, bad suppers, excellent hearts, and most enlightened and cultivated understandings!