I hope the Lady Holland finds herself well, and brings with her a gay and healthy train;—that all are well, from Cleopatra the queen to Antonio the page.
Though I have no great affection for poverty at any time, it is on such occasions as these that I owe it the greatest grudge. If I were a Dean, I certainly would congratulate you in person, and not by letter. I missed you all very much in my last visit to London, which in other respects was a very agreeable one.
I will not say a word about politics, or make the slightest
allusion to a small rocky island in the middle of the Atlantic, the final cause
of which now seems to be a little clearer; but I may say he gives up too soon,—his resistances are not
sufficiently desperate. I may say also, that I admire him for not killing
himself, which is, in a soldier, easy, vulgar, and commonly foolish; it shows
that he has a strong tendency to hope, or that he has a confidence in his own
Now pray do settle in England, and remain quiet; depend upon it, it is the most agreeable place. I have heard five hundred travelled people assert that there is no such agreeable house in Europe as Holland House: why should you be the last person to be convinced of this, and the first to make it true?