I should have set off this day for Lord Grey and you, but Douglas was seized with typhus fever, and Mrs. Sydney hurried up to London. He is much better, and will do well if there is no relapse; in the meantime, I am prisoner here, because I must be jailor to my three remaining children. I was a good deal suprised to see in the ‘Times’ a part of my review on the Abbé Georgel quoted before the Review is published; is this quite right on the part of Constable? I am truly sorry to lose my visit to you, and the more so, because I know you are not quite well. Pray say how that is, and promise me amendment in this respect.
I have two short reviews to write of two French
books,—Madame d’Epinay and
Madame de Genlis, and then I am at a
loss for a subject. The trial of Horne
I have just now received your letter, and am truly afflicted to receive so melancholy an account of your health; and the more so, as I had not a suspicion, before Murray’s letter, that you were at all ill. For God’s sake be wise and obedient and meek to your bloody butchers, and let me hear from you very soon. I have a letter from Mrs. Sydney this morning; Douglas very weak, and I hardly think will remain in London.