I am exceedingly obliged by your kindness in procuring for
me the Botany Bay Gazettes, but I have just received a letter from Longman saying, he shall be able to procure
them: as it is better therefore to employ one who has a pecuniary interest in
Thompson* is above all jealousy, and therefore phthisis remains as incurable as it always has been; still the day may come—will come, when that complaint will be reduced to utter insignificance by some silly weed on which we now trample every day, not knowing its power to prevent the greatest human afflictions.
I should very much have liked a collection of letters of Madame d’Epinay and her friends, after her return from Geneva, and her friendship established with Diderot. Grimm is an excellent person, not unlike Whishaw, except as he is the object of a tender passion to a beautiful woman.
I question much whether Lady Holland has seen a real country squire, or if they grow at all within that distance of London.