Douglas is a great deal better, and if he has no relapse will do well. Mrs. Sydney is in town nursing him by this time, though I have not yet heard accounts of her arrival. I am on guard here, with three children of my own and one of my neighbour’s, in whose house (guided always by the most rigid rules of vaccination and Jenner) the natural small-pox has broken out, but without death or ugliness.
I am heartily sorry not to make out my visit to Howick. It is not impossible, but very improbable.
I have had a letter today from Lady Holland. The air of North Wiltshire is too keen for Henry. It is difficult to suit him with a climate. We have, to be sure, very little variety of that article in England to choose from, and what there is, cannot be called extra or superfine; yet I should not like to be near Marsh at the first intimation that Lady Holland is displeased with his climate. But pray do not repeat these profane jokes, or I shall see Antonio with the bowstring, or John Allen with a few grains of homicide powder in a tea-cup.
The Ministry, I hear, mean to refuse the renewal of the
Committee. Mr. —— has been at Lord Carlisle’s; I should like very much to have seen
him. A good deal depends upon what figure a husband cuts in a room. Much may be
conceded to income and local position, but not all. I could have told in a
moment whether he would, or would not pass, but I did not see him. Lady
Georgiana was for him, so was Lord Morpeth. I have written you a long letter,