It will give me great pleasure to hear of your health and
continued well-doing. I suspect the little boy will be christened
Hugo, that being an ancient name in the
We are all well, and keep large fires, as it behoveth those who pass their summers in England.
I have not seen a living soul out of my family since I left London. It is some consolation to think I have avoided the awkward dilemma about the Queen. I should have thought it base not to call, and yet
My conjecture is that there will be no compromise, and that the Queen will be beaten out of the field. The chances against this are that the King’s nerves will give way. You do not know that is in the Green Bag. You thought him full of poetry alone, but gallantry and treason are in his composition. The Queen and her handmaids have been much exposed to the shafts of calumny on account of that too amiable and seducing fellow, who is at once a Lovelace and a Pope. Write me a line to show we are friends, and I will announce the event.