I will try to get you a copy of Stanley’s Narrative, which is printed, not
published. I have seen your two daughters at Lady
Lansdowne’s, and at Lady
Derby’s; they both look well, and the gowns look more like
French gowns than other people’s gowns do. I am quite out of patience
with Lady ——: her fate will be to marry
on the Bath road or the Norfolk road; any other such offer on the North road
can hardly be expected to occur. I think you might have talked it over with
her, and good-naturedly attacked the romantic. The young man was introduced to
me, or
The B—— of —— is turned out to be baited next Friday upon the —— case, which appears to be one of great atrocity and persecution. It will end with their rejecting his petition, upon the principle of his having had his remedy in a court of law, of which he has neglected to avail himself; but the real good will be done by the publicity.
The picture of Our Saviour going into Jerusalem, by Haydon, is very bad; the general Exhibition good, as I hear. I have seen West’s pictures:—Death on the White Horse—Jesus Rejected; I am sorry to say I admire them both. A new poem, by Milman, author of ‘Fazio,’ called ‘Jerusalem,’ or ‘The Fall of Jerusalem,’ very much admired, as I hear. Dudley Ward a good deal improved,—I believe, principally by Ellis’s imitation of him, of which he is aware. The Whig Queen revives slowly; the seditious infant not yet christened. Lady Jersey as beautiful and as kind and agreeable as ever. Long live Queen Sarah!
Bayley told Tierney, Hunt would have
been acquitted if he had called no witnesses. Tierney
well, but very old, and unfit for anything but gentle work. I am going to dine
with the Granvilles, to meet the
Hollands. Lady
Granville is nervous, on account of her room being lined with
Spitalfields silk, which always makes Lady
Holland ill; means to pass it off as foreign and smuggled, but
has little chance of success. Creevy
thinks the Session opens in a very mealy-mouthed
Lady Grey knows my regard and respect, and that I always send her such courtesy and kindness as I am capable of, whether I write it or not.