Mr. —— is a very gentlemanly, sensible man, and I was sure would tolerate me. My pretensions to do well with the world are threefold:—first, I am fond of talking nonsense; secondly, I am civil; thirdly, I am brief. I may be flattering myself; but if I am not, it is not easy to get very wrong with these habits.
The steady writing of Lord ——’s frank indicates a prolonged existence of ten years. If a stroke to the t or a dot to the i were wanting, little might have some chance; but I do not think a single Jew out of the Twelve Tribes would lend him a farthing upon post-obits, if he had seen my Lord’s writing.
Agriculture is bowed down to the ground she cultivates;
the plough stands still, the steward’s bag is empty, corn sells for
nothing, but benevolent people
We are all anxious to hear something about you, and all recommend that it should be a girl. Kind regards to your husband and the baby.