To see the spectacle of honour conferred upon a man who deserves it, and he an old friend, is a great temptation, but I cannot yield to it. I must not leave home any more this year.
In what state is the Review? Is Scott’s novel out? Be so good as to ask, or say, if you know, in what odour the ‘Encyclopædia Perthensis’ is in Edinburgh. It has fallen to the inconceivably low price of seven guineas. I do not want an Encyclopædia for dissertations and essays, but for common information;—How is Turkey leather dyed?—What is the present state of the Levant trade? etc. etc.
How little you understand young Wedgewood! If he appears to love waltzing, it is only to catch fresh figures for cream-jugs. Depend upon it, he will have Jeffrey and you upon some of his vessels, and you will enjoy an argillaceous immortality.
The rumours of today are, that the Ministry have given way to the King, and—Lord Conyngham is to be Chamberlain. Ever your sincere friend,