Nothing so difficult to send, or which is so easily spoilt in the carriage, as news. It was fresh, and seemed true, when you packed it up; that is all you are answerable for.
I shall be in town the 24th of April, and am very glad to find you are so near a neighbour. We have been at the Assizes at York for three weeks, where there is always a great deal of dancing and provincial joy.
I am very sorry the Hollands have left the pavement of London, because, when I come to London for a short time, I hate fresh air and green leaves, and waste of time in going and coming; but I love the Hollands so much, that I would go to them in any spot, however innocent, sequestered, and rural. You have been in town a fortnight, and do not tell me to whom your daughters are going to be married. I suppose —— borrows the watchman’s coat, and cries the hours up and down Stratford-place. How is Lord Grey? I hope you are on good terms with that eminent statesman, for you never mention his name.
I am delighted with Hume and Creevy. You
will have the goodness to excuse me, but I am a Jacobin. I confess it, with
tears in my eyes; and I have straggled in secret against this dreadful
propensity, to a