I cannot help thinking of your new state. When I am very nervous I always do sums in arithmetic, and take camphor-julep. Don’t be afraid,—I am sure, from several signs, it will do; and don’t pretend to say you don’t care, the truth being that you do care, from the very bottom of your heart. I meant to come to town, to afford you my spiritual consolation during the crisis, but I had an alarm about my daughter; she had a very severe attack, and her recovery for some time was so slow that I was frightened; she is now recovered. I hope to see you in the spring, where you are. If Lord Bathurst is there, I shall break the windows.
Brougham’s speech will make a great
impression, and be very useful to the Administration. The world seems to be
improving decidedly; I thought it would
Give my kind regards to my Lord. Your sincere friend,