The thought was sudden, so was the execution: I saw I was
making no progress in London, and I resolved to run the risk of the journey. I
performed it with pain, and found on my arrival at my own door my new carriage
completely disabled. I called on no one, but went away without beat of drum. I
know nothing of public affairs—I have no pleasure in think-
I am making a slow recovery; hardly yet able to walk across the room, nor to put on a christian shoe. On Monday I shall have been ill for a month. Perhaps it is a perquisite of my time of life, to have the gout or some formidable illness. We enter and quit the world in pain! but let us be just however; I find my eyesight much improved by gout, and I am not low-spirited.
Pray let me hear from you from time to time, as you shall from me. Remember me to the handsome widow with handsome daughters; and believe me, my dear G., yours affectionately,