A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith
Letters 1835
Sydney Smith to Richard Sharp, [4 February] 1835
Stratford-place, 1835.
My dear Sharpe,
It is impossible to say whether Caesar Sutton or ![]()
Pompey Abercrombie* will get the better; a
civil war is expected: on looking into my own mind, I find an utter inability
of fighting for either party.
—— is better, and having lost his disease,
has also lost his topics of conversation; has no heart to talk about, and is
silent from want of suffering.
I have seen the new House of Parliament: the House of
Commons is very good, much better than the old one; the Lords’ house is
shabby. Government are going on vigorously with the Church Bill; it will be an
infinitely more savage bill than the Whigs would have ventured to introduce.
The Whigs mean to start Abercrombie against
the Speaker. All the planets and comets mean to stop, and look on at the first
meeting of Parliament. The Radicals allow 260 to the Tories, who claim
290:—from 7 to 5 are given to the Stanley party. Read Inglis’s Travels in Ireland. Bold, shrewd, and
sensible, he is accused of judging more rapidly than any man in six
weeks’ time is entitled to do; but then he merely states what he saw. I
met him, he seemed like his book. Young Mackintosh is going on with his father’s Life. He sent me a tour on
the Rhine, by his father; but I thought it differed very little from other
tours on the Rhine, and so I think he will not publish it. You will be glad to
hear that —— is doing very well: he is
civil to the counsel, does not interrupt, and converses with the other judges
as if they had the elements of law and sense. India was offered to Sir James Kemp before it was offered to
Lord Haytesbury;
Kemp refused it on account of a wound in his heel, a
vulnerable point (as we know) in heroes. I hear a good account of your cough,
* In allusion to the contest about the
Speaker. |
a bad one of your breathing; pray take care of yourself.
Rogers might be mistaken for a
wrestler at the Olympic games; Luttrell
is confined by the leg; Whishaw is
waiting to see which side he is to pooh-pooh! I heartily wish, my dear
Sharpe, that physicians may do you
as much good as they have done me.
You have met, I hear, with an agreeable clergyman: the
existence of such a being has been hitherto denied by the naturalists;
measure him, and put down on paper what he eats.
William A'Court, first baron Heytesbury (1779-1860)
The eldest son of Sir William Pierce Ashe A'Court, first baronet (d. 1817); educated at
Eton, he was ambassador to Russia (1828-32) and lord lieutenant of Ireland
James Abercromby, first baron Dunfermline (1776-1858)
The son of Lt.-Gen Sir Ralph Abercromby; he was MP for Midhurst (1807), Calne (1812-30)
and Edinburgh (1832), judge-advocate general (1827) and speaker of the House of Commons
(1835-39); he was raised to the peerage in 1839.
Elizabeth Fox, Lady Holland [née Vassall] (1771 c.-1845)
In 1797 married Henry Richard Fox, Lord Holland, following her divorce from Sir Godfrey
Webster; as mistress of Holland House she became a pillar of Whig society.
Sir James Kempt (1764 c.-1854)
He was aide-de-camp to Sir Ralph Abercromby and fought under Picton in the Peninsular
War; he was a brigade-commander at Waterloo, and governor-general of Canada
Henry Luttrell (1768-1851)
English wit, dandy, and friend of Thomas Moore and Samuel Rogers; he was the author of
Advice to Julia, a Letter in Rhyme (1820).
Robert James Mackintosh (1806-1864)
The son and biographer of Sir James Mackintosh; he was lieutenant governor of Saint
Christopher (1847-1850) and governor of Antigua (1850-1855).
Samuel Rogers (1763-1855)
English poet, banker, and aesthete, author of the ever-popular
Pleasures of Memory (1792),
Columbus (1810),
Jaqueline (1814), and
Italy (1822-28).
James Scarlett, first baron Abinger (1769-1844)
English barrister and politician educated at Trinity College, Cambridge and the Inner
Temple; he was a Whig MP (1819-34) who served as attorney-general in the Canning and
Wellington ministries.
Richard Sharp [Conversation Sharp] (1759-1835)
English merchant, Whig MP, and member of the Holland House set; he published
Letters and Essays in Poetry and Prose (1834).
John Whishaw (1764 c.-1840)
Barrister, educated at Trinity College, Cambridge; he was Secretary to the African
Association and biographer of Mungo Park. His correspondence was published as
The “Pope” of Holland House in 1906.