I had always heard that Buxton was the worst place in the
world for gouty people, and I think it has proved
I have been, as you see, fighting with bishops at Ephesus. We have procured a suspension of the Bill; but the Whigs have committed so great an error, in their subserviency to bishops, that I am afraid they must persevere. The lower clergy have been scandalously neglected by the Whig Government. But enough of this nonsense. I think the Administration will have a good majority on the Appropriation Clause, and I see no prospect of a change.
We stayed at Windsor a day. All that is worth seeing is seen in an hour: the outside of the Castle,—the view from the terrace,—and two or three staterooms. We were unlucky enough to have particular introductions, and suffered as is usual on such occasions.
We are expecting some company, but the idea of filling a country house with pleasant people is a dream; it all ends in excuses and disappointments, and nobody comes but the parson of the parish. It will give us great pleasure, my dear Philips, to hear you are better. Pray say it as soon as you can say so, and in the meantime believe me, with sincere affection, yours,