Tell me a little about yourself. Where have you been? What have you been doing? How have you been faring?
I have been living very quietly in Somersetshire, and am now intensely occupied in settling my new house, which is the essence of all that is comfortable. Pray come and see it, if you come to town, and write me word before you come. I will give you very good mutton-chops for luncheon, seasoned with affectionate regard and respect.
My ‘Works’ (such as they are) have had a very rapid sale, and I think before the end of the year will come to a second edition. Mrs. Grote wrote me two or three letters in the course of the summer (which a certain person did not). She had half a mind to come to Combe Florey, but the other half was heavier and more powerful. What are your plans? I hope you have some regard for me; I have a great deal for you.