I am very sorry you have suffered so much; mine is not society sorrow, but real sorrow. If there is a real sign of a fool, it is to offer a remedy. Aconitine—why do you so despise it as not to ask a question about it?
I am truly glad you like what I have written; then I have
not written in vain. I send you a criticism on my three volumes, which, I confess, gave me a
great deal of pleasure; pray return it to me. I have not the smallest idea who
wrote it; but it is evidently
I went last night to attend Mrs. Sydney to the Eruption of Hecla at the Surrey Zoological; we saw a pasteboard mountain, ejecting crackers and squibs. The long standing has given me a fit of the gout, and that renders it rather doubtful whether we can come to you; but if I am well enough, we shall be most happy to do so. Let nothing ever persuade you to go to the Surrey Zoological in the evening. Mr. Grote’s subjects were intolerable.
I did not know Charles Austin was a sayer of good things; he has always seemed to me as something much better. Yours,