Do you remember that passage in the ‘Paradise Lost’ which is considered so beautiful?—
“As one who, long in populous cities pent, Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer’s morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin’d, from each thing met conceives delight; The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine, Or flowers: each rural sight, each rural sound. If chance with nymph-like step fair virgin pass, What pleasing seem’d, for her now pleases more, She most; and in her look sums all delight.” |
I think this simile very unjust to London, and I have amended the passage. I read it over to Lady Charlotte Lindsay and the Miss Berrys. The question was, whom the gentleman should see first when he arrived in London; and after various proposals, it was at last unanimously agreed it must be you: so it stands thus:—
“As one who, long in rural hamlets pent, Where squires and parsons deep potations make, With lengthen’d tale of fox, or timid hare, Or antler’d stag, sore vext by hound and horn, Forth issuing on a winter’s morn, to reach In chaise or coach the London Babylon Remote, from each thing met conceives delight; Or cab, or car, or evening muffin-bell, |
Or lamps: each city sight, each city sound. If chance with nymph-like step the Davy pass, What pleasing seem’d, for her now pleases more, She most; and in her look sums all delight.” |
I tried the verses with names of other ladies, but the universal opinion was, in the conclave of your friends, that it must be you; and this told, now tell me, dear Lady Davy, how do you do? Shall we ever see you again? We are dying very fast here; come and take another look at us. Mrs. Sydney is in the country, in rather bad health; I am (gout and asthma excepted) very well.
The sword is slowly and reluctantly returning into its scabbard. The Ministry hangs by a thread. We are alarmed by the Auckland war.
You are much loved here, and much lamented; and this is pleasant, even though thousands of miles intervene. I should be glad to know that anybody under the equator or the southern tropic held me in regard and esteem.